Hee.. like this pic the best.. Crescent Band Rocks foRever!
Yeaupz. just came back frm doc.. haha.. fake dat i am sick lar.. cos early in the morning my friend called me n tell me hairy koh is very very angry and he wans to see the parents of students who din come today! haha.. oh well.. den i have to go get a MC lohs.. spent $4.70~ hah! cant believe wad the doc asked me.. she asked me is it my mens is irregular.. den i told her yar.. den she actually asked me do i have a boyfriend?! hahah!! she must be thinking i am pregnant or something... haha!!! JOke of the day! hurhur~ damn suay lar.. when i walk to the bus stop.. my shoes sole dropped out~ Grrr.. so malu.. den in the end i took a cab home! whahha.. waste of $$ but hmm~ mdm goh just called my hp~ haha.. asking me got mc nt.. haha~ of cos i say i haf lar... duh~ den she was like so ure parents noe i am sick.. haha.. i already tell my mum to cover up for me lohs! haha.. ponning sch is chicken feet to me! hahaha..
uh~ he lost his hp~ and i tink he got prob buying a hp~ hmm~ he tell me he has no $$.. hmm~ haha.. not as if i am gng to lend him.. i mean.. if i really do.. he also dun wan lar.. we nt dat close.. and somemore.. i wan to change hp le~ no extra cash! haha.. wadever lar.. nt my prob.. hmm~
i finally noe how to upload pic to blog le! haha.. so happy? ok.. noe i am a bit slow.. but at least i learn it myself ma~ haha.. wadever~
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