Din blog for quite long.. i tink its for almost a week already! hehx~ cos was too busy to add entries and lots of things are due and of cos, lots of things had happened. Now, its time for some updates!
Brother Victor and Sister Yvonne finally had their wedding(holy matrinomy) on Saturday!

some pix there~
Friday: Had driving after EC lesson! *hoho* Learnt how to stop and drive off when at the kerb. The instructor was very patient and of cos lah, he's one of the instructor dat i was assigned to.
Thurs: Had french written test and presentation. The test was considered EASY compared to test 1! I breezed thru the test and finished it within 1/2hrs lah~ den had presentation and it was quite a good one cos no other group's topic clashed with ours! hee(: we did on French dining etiqutte and custom and wine tasting.
After all the presentation, the tutor let us watch a french movie and i tot it was quite nice!! It's abt a tcher who goes to a military school to teach and the students were a bunch of brats :x and he, finally managed to change them to be a better person.. and actually, what makes the movie attractive is the lil french kids and of cos, the teacher.
hee(: had been having some crushes on................................
HANDPHONES! What are u tinking of!!! hehe.

Nokia N70



Actually, i dun mind k750i cos its damn sleek and heard that its function is quite good. Den here comes w800i, which has an added function of a mp3 player. But i already have a mp3 player :x Razor V3 is nt bad.. super sleek and the pink one is out already!!! But its kinda not user-friendly yah? haha~ Now i'm quite crazy over Nokia N70 but the minus point is that, its quite fat in size.. plus point is that, its much lighter than other n-series phones! N6111 is not bad but, i dun like slide phone! haha~
maybe u can pool some money to get one of those for me as Christmas pressie? hee hee (:
Brother Victor and Sister Yvonne finally had their wedding(holy matrinomy) on Saturday!

some pix there~
Friday: Had driving after EC lesson! *hoho* Learnt how to stop and drive off when at the kerb. The instructor was very patient and of cos lah, he's one of the instructor dat i was assigned to.
Thurs: Had french written test and presentation. The test was considered EASY compared to test 1! I breezed thru the test and finished it within 1/2hrs lah~ den had presentation and it was quite a good one cos no other group's topic clashed with ours! hee(: we did on French dining etiqutte and custom and wine tasting.
After all the presentation, the tutor let us watch a french movie and i tot it was quite nice!! It's abt a tcher who goes to a military school to teach and the students were a bunch of brats :x and he, finally managed to change them to be a better person.. and actually, what makes the movie attractive is the lil french kids and of cos, the teacher.
hee(: had been having some crushes on................................
HANDPHONES! What are u tinking of!!! hehe.

Nokia N70




maybe u can pool some money to get one of those for me as Christmas pressie? hee hee (:
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