*blow kisses*

=D strawberry cake from angie's choice

Okie.. we are done with the Customer Service Communication report! hahah! I tot we can only write at most 10pages but who knows, we ended up with 20! muahah! we are genius!
*special thanks to xinxin =D
anyway! nothing much to blog abt at is moment lor. so hmm.. have some pics to post =D

went for make up cell group yday and saw baby joey! =D so cute neh!!

ohhh! I'm very in love with DARS bitter choc can! Its so yummy! not too sweet and it comes in..

12 small pieces! =D
Just $2 from NP CO-OP! =D

found some hk pics i have YET to post !!
Its take at ISLAND SHANGRI-LA lah! like tis pic alot! =D

see dat pair of shoes? HAI! Its the pair dat broke on WEDNESDAY LAH! *sob*

okie.. we are at tis cafe.. HAH! My wanton noodles not here yet so we jus pose with ali's maggie noodles! :D
okie.. nothing much more to blog abt. HAHAH.. i shall go do my hpm report now.. HAI! =X
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