freako lingo rock!

Friday, September 08, 2006


I'm officially off the NEW PARK HOTEL internship!!!!!!

haha! seriously! its just a totally blessing in disguise! I mean, i had wanted to reject tis offer in the first place and dat andy oh just wouldn't let me! So now, since NEW PARK HOTEL is not having enough vacancies to offer to us, so we are just off the internship.

*time for celebration*

If its not meant to be yours, pple force u to take also wun be yours. HAH!

But ANDY OH says dat he is looking for other companies for us and it includes SENTOSA, COUNTRY CLUB, F&B and TRAVEL AGENCIES. Oh wells.. so i msg him back and say i dun wan f&b or country club.. if not, i wld jus go back and study lah. I mean, i really dun mind gg back to study u noe.

I mean, ever since i noe i'm getting into NPH, i just feel so much like gg back to study 1 more sem! The modules seem so interesting and maybe there will be piles of projects and tests and exams, but seriously, i'm starting to miss school already! hah..

But gg on to attachment can earn money lah... although its jus peanuts.. but yeah.. its still $ and experience dat u wun get elsewhere.. for eg.. doing saikangs? hahaha! I tink tangpeiyan will gladly agree with me! =D

So now, i'm in a state of confusion! Attachment vs School! *sigh* but i noe, God will have HIS own plan for me one lah! haha.. But seriously, thank God that i wun be gg to NEW PARK.



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