decided to change my template again.. cos i quite tired of the white one. so boring. hee( : chance upon tis skin and it look quite nice lah.. dat's why i chose it lohx.
had marathon vcd watching today. had finished 8 discs liaos!! 16more to go. Not as if i have to return it tis week.. but the plot is really very captivating.. basically i like everyone in the show except for the one on the far left in the pic i posted in the previous post. Can't stand her lah.. her acting is so fake lah? Talk mus use 1 breathe to talk and i can actually hear her breathing sound.. cos i am listening to the cantonese version one.. which is their original voice *sigh*
i simply luvvvveee dat show man!!!!
alrites. i got my results today. I was soo nervous tis morning can? dunno why today they sms so early like.. dey sms like 847am when the results is only released at 9am. haha.. but it doesn't really matter cos i woke up at 1030am. Was praying and praying and when i click 'view'.. i used my blanket to cover the screen and open bit by bit. Ferz.. i saw a D+.. den C.. den i dun care liaos.. cos i noe i pass cma and fmgt can le. ahahha~ was quite disappointed but happy cos i managed to pass everything but the results ain't dat wonderfuly yeah?
bad hor... i'll study harder next sem *bleah*
okays. i had finally uploaded the pics for the sentosa outing.
me and ms xinzi

ms yilee and peiyan my 100th lover*

*opps! i din mean to be like tis.......

one of the better pics taken by OURSELVES.

its the best we can capture liaos.. but look at the sky!!

lemme present to u *drum roll* the flirt no.1 of siloso beach!
he's the so-called beach patrol guy loh.. keep saying hi to pple eh. haha.. so it happened dat we are taking pictures of ourseleves and he walked over. He decided to say hi to us but we left yilee straded there to handle him. hahaha!

had marathon vcd watching today. had finished 8 discs liaos!! 16more to go. Not as if i have to return it tis week.. but the plot is really very captivating.. basically i like everyone in the show except for the one on the far left in the pic i posted in the previous post. Can't stand her lah.. her acting is so fake lah? Talk mus use 1 breathe to talk and i can actually hear her breathing sound.. cos i am listening to the cantonese version one.. which is their original voice *sigh*
i simply luvvvveee dat show man!!!!
alrites. i got my results today. I was soo nervous tis morning can? dunno why today they sms so early like.. dey sms like 847am when the results is only released at 9am. haha.. but it doesn't really matter cos i woke up at 1030am. Was praying and praying and when i click 'view'.. i used my blanket to cover the screen and open bit by bit. Ferz.. i saw a D+.. den C.. den i dun care liaos.. cos i noe i pass cma and fmgt can le. ahahha~ was quite disappointed but happy cos i managed to pass everything but the results ain't dat wonderfuly yeah?
bad hor... i'll study harder next sem *bleah*
okays. i had finally uploaded the pics for the sentosa outing.

ms yilee and peiyan my 100th lover*

*opps! i din mean to be like tis.......

one of the better pics taken by OURSELVES.

its the best we can capture liaos.. but look at the sky!!

lemme present to u *drum roll* the flirt no.1 of siloso beach!
he's the so-called beach patrol guy loh.. keep saying hi to pple eh. haha.. so it happened dat we are taking pictures of ourseleves and he walked over. He decided to say hi to us but we left yilee straded there to handle him. hahaha!

*flirt 1(left) and flirt2(right). haha~ mus be discussing..
flirt1: which girls should we target?
flirt2: oh.. everywhere is pretty girls!!
flirt1: yah!! let us go attack them 1 by 1.
flirt2: okay!
**sorry guys? jus the sudden tot of putting tis 'conversation'. haha~ its all made up by me yeah yeah? ahhaha!! dun sue me for slander.. ahhh.. blawwww~ Lolx
the last pic b4 we packed up and go..
the ride home.. but we took the wrong bus.. and went 1 whole round. DUN TAKE THE RED LINE if u are gg back from siloso beach. HAHA.
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