Went for the S2006 Customer Service Training for the upcoming IMF meeting at 8.30am today. Oh dear! What a way to start off ur SATURDAY liddat! =( Woke up very early and I reached around 8.10am. Hur* I tot i was super early but hmm.. when i reach the place, i saw the LONG LONG LONG QUEUE and i was thinking "heng ah!" =x
The class was fun actually.. with the instructor trying to make the class fun by telling us his own experiences of the types of services he had received. HAHA!
He was telling us dat in 1996, he was in Hong Kong. SO he wanted to buy a pair of black socks and he went into the shop. The guy told him dat is US$5 and he was like.. "WAH! SO EXPENSIVE! CAN GIVE DISCOUNT?" So the guy said OK, gave him a 50% discount and he handed my instructor the socks. When my instructor went back and to his horror, he only had 1 sock. HAHAH! Cos its errr 50% =|
anyway, we had tis role play near the end of the lesson. HAH! And my role? Act as a 'dumb blond' and err.. ask f0r HELP. anyway.. my group pple are very nice. Consist of Benjamin and Valerie from NUS, Wan Ling from RP and Jocelyn from NP. The scenario goes like tis:
me : (looking flustered)
benjamin : Good afternoon M'dm, u look flustered and PINK. What can I do for you?
me : oh! U see, I was taking a afternoon nap jus now and i had a nitemare! And and and... i dreamt that my husband was having an affair with another woman!!!!! SO i need to GET TO SUNTEC CITY now to look for my HUSBAND!!!
benjamin : oh dear! M'dm, i can understand how you feel cos i had a similar nitemare 2 weeks ago! Why not i help u call a cab?
me: oh! sure!! PLEASE!!!
-1min later-
benjamin: M'dm, the cab will reach in 3min and in the meantime, i will show you how to the waiting area.
me: are u sure it will reach in 3min time?
benjamin: YES MDM
*walks me to the 'lobby'
benjamin : m'dm, i tink the nitemare is due to the pillow dat u are slping on. I will get the housekeeping to change a pillow for you late.
me: ok, thanks!
*gets onto the cab
benjamin: have a nice day!
see! my reputation is TARNISHED because now eveyone will tink i'm a dumb blond =x HAHAH!! NAH! Not so serious lah! But i tink our role play is the BEST among all the groups!
so for sacrifing my reputation for the role play, i got the cerfiticate!!!

haha! yay!! 1 more bonus for my RESUME!!! =D
on another note, i'm very impressed by NUS guys. HAHA. dunno why. They just give me a better impression over the ntu ones. partly becos they are more like... taking initiative and ntu guys are quieter and nearly to non-existence =x
The class was fun actually.. with the instructor trying to make the class fun by telling us his own experiences of the types of services he had received. HAHA!
He was telling us dat in 1996, he was in Hong Kong. SO he wanted to buy a pair of black socks and he went into the shop. The guy told him dat is US$5 and he was like.. "WAH! SO EXPENSIVE! CAN GIVE DISCOUNT?" So the guy said OK, gave him a 50% discount and he handed my instructor the socks. When my instructor went back and to his horror, he only had 1 sock. HAHAH! Cos its errr 50% =|
anyway, we had tis role play near the end of the lesson. HAH! And my role? Act as a 'dumb blond' and err.. ask f0r HELP. anyway.. my group pple are very nice. Consist of Benjamin and Valerie from NUS, Wan Ling from RP and Jocelyn from NP. The scenario goes like tis:
me : (looking flustered)
benjamin : Good afternoon M'dm, u look flustered and PINK. What can I do for you?
me : oh! U see, I was taking a afternoon nap jus now and i had a nitemare! And and and... i dreamt that my husband was having an affair with another woman!!!!! SO i need to GET TO SUNTEC CITY now to look for my HUSBAND!!!
benjamin : oh dear! M'dm, i can understand how you feel cos i had a similar nitemare 2 weeks ago! Why not i help u call a cab?
me: oh! sure!! PLEASE!!!
-1min later-
benjamin: M'dm, the cab will reach in 3min and in the meantime, i will show you how to the waiting area.
me: are u sure it will reach in 3min time?
benjamin: YES MDM
*walks me to the 'lobby'
benjamin : m'dm, i tink the nitemare is due to the pillow dat u are slping on. I will get the housekeeping to change a pillow for you late.
me: ok, thanks!
*gets onto the cab
benjamin: have a nice day!
see! my reputation is TARNISHED because now eveyone will tink i'm a dumb blond =x HAHAH!! NAH! Not so serious lah! But i tink our role play is the BEST among all the groups!
so for sacrifing my reputation for the role play, i got the cerfiticate!!!

haha! yay!! 1 more bonus for my RESUME!!! =D
on another note, i'm very impressed by NUS guys. HAHA. dunno why. They just give me a better impression over the ntu ones. partly becos they are more like... taking initiative and ntu guys are quieter and nearly to non-existence =x
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