Festival Of Praise 2006 is in TOWN!!!

be sure to catch the most exciting worship band from Australia from Christian City Church and the also, Don Moen!! =D
yesterday in sch..............
i was so angry can? April Ng had asked the whole group to come in for a talk to clear things up and it includes me, lawrence, ruilan, kerrie and *freerider.
so we were inside the conference room. The freerider* looks SICKLY PALE and she had requested a cup of water from april ng. good move. it jus make the rest of us seems to be against her!
So lawrence started saying the problems like freerider* dun put in the effort to do her work and stuff .. and its unfair for pple to cover her part.
next.. my turn. Said wad lawrence had said but i added and say dat wadever her work gave us, it was totally copied from Wikipeida and of cos, freerider* says SHE DID NOT. So, as a fustrated idiot sitting there, I said, "if u wan hard evidence, i can show it to u." and immediately, she kept quiet.
The talk went on. She made a well-memorised speech. One thing that irritates me is dat, she said dat we talked behind her back and she felt INSULTED. Oh PLEASE. At that point of time, i feel so insulted to be in the same room as her and breathing the same air molecule as her! *urgh*
AH! And she SWEAR in the NAME OF HER LORD JESUS CHRIST dat she din lie. At the point of time, i nearly went like.. "Please dun use the LORD'S name in VAIN and as a CHRISTIAN, u DUN SWEAR."
Ohoh! and she says the whole class OUTCAST her and she says its being very unfair to her. She can't even hold a 1 min proper conversation with us. **please note dat, we did make an effort to ask her to join us and it is SHE HERSELF refuses and went to sit at the lonely corner. Is it call outcasting? Our effort had been eaten up by her so-called illness?
And... she said that she's staying at Raffles Hospital and she had asked the director to release her medical report but the director refuses. OH PLEASE. that time my friend went to call up Raffles Hospital to ask for freerider* name and wan to noe whether she's in the hospital but the hospital says there's no such person. And furthermore, i feel dat if it is ur own medical record, why can't the hospital release it? Not as if a 3rd party is requesting for it Ok. Stupid LOOPHOLES.
oh oh! she even got some pple to write testimonies for her to vouch for her dat she in year 1 and 2, she did her proj faithfully. PLEASE LOR. In year 2, when she's in the same IS class as Jasmine, she din do anything to the proj and she din even bother to present the things.
And Ms Ng said that WE can accept that freerider* is sick but some reasons is way too OUT for us to believe. So kerrie says.. "yah.. like u are being RAPE?"Immediately, freerider* face changes and immediately ask Kerrie to shut up. HAH.
I'm not been cynical here. Because freerider* sms me and said she dun need OUR pity.. so be it. I dun even wan to waste my pity on such a person.
ANYWAY. At one point of time, i was so angry dat i burst out lor.
During CEM project, she talked a lot during the meeting and because the rest of us are gg to Hong Kong.. so she VOLUNTEER to finish up the work for us. And when we came back from Hong Kong.. we realised that everything was not done. I mean, if u dun have such a big head, dun request for such a big hat lor. It jus irritates me even more.
And finally, when we need to write the report, I assigned everyone with different parts to do. But for her part, i got Angela to cover also. I told her frankly yday abt it. I have nothing to hide. HA! I feel so good telling her that.
Back to the proj. That day, i emailed everyone abt their part and so, dat night, freerider* called me to ask me is she suppose to do the INTRODUCTION of the report. I mean for goodness sake?! I stated in the email clearly dat freerider* is suppose to do THEME OF THE EXHIBITION. And at the talk yday, i told her this:
"I din accept ur work because the have totally no link. It is just COPY AND PASTE from the website. Do u expect a 100% plagarism and FAIL our entire proj? And also, as a year 3 student, ur 5th semester in a poly, dun tell me u dunno dat u need to link the entire thing back to the report."
Again, she said that she din copy and all those crap. But in my heart, i was thinking "of cos u dunno it is needed to link back the proj lah.. cos u din even do a single proj in ur entire life in poly before what."
But April Ng said dat all these are caused by miscomm and before dat, it might be I had worked with pple with HIGH EXPECTATIONS (XINZI, WANJING, CLIFFORD : TALKING ABT UR HERE!!!!), dats why. Since its my first time working with FREERIDER*, she might not know what is needed. At the point of time, I feel dat I should say nothing cos APRIL NG is obviously siding with freerider*. HAH. GREAT.
Last of all, about the RAPE issue. She said dat dat the point of time, she was fustrated with the INTEGRATED PROJ and thus, she burst out telling MEIYING abt it. She din expect MEIYING to go around telling pple. This was immediately shot back by Lawrence saying,"If you dun wan pple to talk abt it, den dun say it out." True wad. U have to be responsible for ur own words. HAH. good job lawrence.
I tell u, after the talk, i tink it had worsen the situation between freerider* and us.. as in the whole class. It jus make us angrier with her? *sigh*
Thank God I am having IAP next sem so i wun be seeing her FACE. HAH.
Good. I feel good blogging abt tis =D

be sure to catch the most exciting worship band from Australia from Christian City Church and the also, Don Moen!! =D
yesterday in sch..............
i was so angry can? April Ng had asked the whole group to come in for a talk to clear things up and it includes me, lawrence, ruilan, kerrie and *freerider.
so we were inside the conference room. The freerider* looks SICKLY PALE and she had requested a cup of water from april ng. good move. it jus make the rest of us seems to be against her!
So lawrence started saying the problems like freerider* dun put in the effort to do her work and stuff .. and its unfair for pple to cover her part.
next.. my turn. Said wad lawrence had said but i added and say dat wadever her work gave us, it was totally copied from Wikipeida and of cos, freerider* says SHE DID NOT. So, as a fustrated idiot sitting there, I said, "if u wan hard evidence, i can show it to u." and immediately, she kept quiet.
The talk went on. She made a well-memorised speech. One thing that irritates me is dat, she said dat we talked behind her back and she felt INSULTED. Oh PLEASE. At that point of time, i feel so insulted to be in the same room as her and breathing the same air molecule as her! *urgh*
AH! And she SWEAR in the NAME OF HER LORD JESUS CHRIST dat she din lie. At the point of time, i nearly went like.. "Please dun use the LORD'S name in VAIN and as a CHRISTIAN, u DUN SWEAR."
Ohoh! and she says the whole class OUTCAST her and she says its being very unfair to her. She can't even hold a 1 min proper conversation with us. **please note dat, we did make an effort to ask her to join us and it is SHE HERSELF refuses and went to sit at the lonely corner. Is it call outcasting? Our effort had been eaten up by her so-called illness?
And... she said that she's staying at Raffles Hospital and she had asked the director to release her medical report but the director refuses. OH PLEASE. that time my friend went to call up Raffles Hospital to ask for freerider* name and wan to noe whether she's in the hospital but the hospital says there's no such person. And furthermore, i feel dat if it is ur own medical record, why can't the hospital release it? Not as if a 3rd party is requesting for it Ok. Stupid LOOPHOLES.
oh oh! she even got some pple to write testimonies for her to vouch for her dat she in year 1 and 2, she did her proj faithfully. PLEASE LOR. In year 2, when she's in the same IS class as Jasmine, she din do anything to the proj and she din even bother to present the things.
And Ms Ng said that WE can accept that freerider* is sick but some reasons is way too OUT for us to believe. So kerrie says.. "yah.. like u are being RAPE?"Immediately, freerider* face changes and immediately ask Kerrie to shut up. HAH.
I'm not been cynical here. Because freerider* sms me and said she dun need OUR pity.. so be it. I dun even wan to waste my pity on such a person.
ANYWAY. At one point of time, i was so angry dat i burst out lor.
During CEM project, she talked a lot during the meeting and because the rest of us are gg to Hong Kong.. so she VOLUNTEER to finish up the work for us. And when we came back from Hong Kong.. we realised that everything was not done. I mean, if u dun have such a big head, dun request for such a big hat lor. It jus irritates me even more.
And finally, when we need to write the report, I assigned everyone with different parts to do. But for her part, i got Angela to cover also. I told her frankly yday abt it. I have nothing to hide. HA! I feel so good telling her that.
Back to the proj. That day, i emailed everyone abt their part and so, dat night, freerider* called me to ask me is she suppose to do the INTRODUCTION of the report. I mean for goodness sake?! I stated in the email clearly dat freerider* is suppose to do THEME OF THE EXHIBITION. And at the talk yday, i told her this:
"I din accept ur work because the have totally no link. It is just COPY AND PASTE from the website. Do u expect a 100% plagarism and FAIL our entire proj? And also, as a year 3 student, ur 5th semester in a poly, dun tell me u dunno dat u need to link the entire thing back to the report."
Again, she said that she din copy and all those crap. But in my heart, i was thinking "of cos u dunno it is needed to link back the proj lah.. cos u din even do a single proj in ur entire life in poly before what."
But April Ng said dat all these are caused by miscomm and before dat, it might be I had worked with pple with HIGH EXPECTATIONS (XINZI, WANJING, CLIFFORD : TALKING ABT UR HERE!!!!), dats why. Since its my first time working with FREERIDER*, she might not know what is needed. At the point of time, I feel dat I should say nothing cos APRIL NG is obviously siding with freerider*. HAH. GREAT.
Last of all, about the RAPE issue. She said dat dat the point of time, she was fustrated with the INTEGRATED PROJ and thus, she burst out telling MEIYING abt it. She din expect MEIYING to go around telling pple. This was immediately shot back by Lawrence saying,"If you dun wan pple to talk abt it, den dun say it out." True wad. U have to be responsible for ur own words. HAH. good job lawrence.
I tell u, after the talk, i tink it had worsen the situation between freerider* and us.. as in the whole class. It jus make us angrier with her? *sigh*
Thank God I am having IAP next sem so i wun be seeing her FACE. HAH.
Good. I feel good blogging abt tis =D
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