Wah... look at the number of bday in May. HAhahaha..
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
hmm~ din work today cos of headache+stomachache. haha.. and Christine tot i was jus too lazy to work. hmm~ I am really sick lohs. Ayes? Maybe i jus have da bad reputation la. wadeva~ anyway.. KellY Services is like in for a big time lohs. Its like.. me and Eliz worked @Paragon for last week and now.. da agent told Eliz dat da PARAGON pple is like unhappy abt da agency and dey are not gng to pay us. Hmm.. but we called da in-charge @Paragon.. but she said dat we will still get paid. bloody agent. tink u can cheat my money?! No way.. i will jus lodge a complaint to Ministry of Manpower to get my rightful pay. Jus u wait. hah. Threatening. Bleahs.. but i did work wad. Not my fault. I JUS WAN MY PAY LOHS. WADDAHELL.
Wah... look at the number of bday in May. HAhahaha..
Wah... look at the number of bday in May. HAhahaha..
Saturday, April 24, 2004
hEyLOoSs!!! Long tiMe since i blogged. haha.. busy working u noe. Being working @Paragon as counter staff and i tell u.. if u are really in need of money.. u will love dat job yah?? hahahaa... this job only require u to sit dere and wait for pplel to come and redeem the coupon. hahaha.. omg. Slack. But the working hrs are kinda long.. so its like.. i dunno? Got bad and gd pts abt this job lohs? BUt nvm.. thanks Eliz for recommending me tis job. Keke.. and on Wed, sprained my neck.. so its like.. cannot go to work... hahaha.. so i spent like the day to look for a job. Hmm.. got tis DBS job.. the agent seems quite a nice guy.. but i PS him on Thurs for the interview. Hee... but nvm.. phone him yday to rebook the time slot.. but its like.. dun tink i am gng back la? hahaha.. so bad.. but nvm. Hoho~ I do miss my friends in sch.. hais.. when will i be free to go back to sch to look for dem?! My my~ Oh~ I chose the Citibank job over the DBS one. I dunno lehs.. quite worried dat i will make the wrong choice lohs.... Went for the training yday @Millennium Tower. Got tis 2guys... omg. Super nerdy kind. hais.. so sad... like its kinda fated dat no cute guys will be working with us liddat. hmm.... neway.. nearly quit the job cos actually.. they promised us it will be @JE...... den its like.. dey say the JE branch dere got prob.. so hafta stay here for like 1mth.. so me and Christine will wait till 2weeks.. if really really nv move back den too bad le. Yups.. starting work on Mon. Sianz.. really sian.. but for the sake of my laptop... i still hafta bear with it u noe. its like.... i dunno? Working is no fun.. but i do miss the days @Standard Chartered. Hais.. i miss Sharon, Lionel, Danny, Adila, Liana... so much more, and the Pantry! hais........... Hope dey willl wan us back soon........
Sunday, April 18, 2004
hmm.. peex in sch seems to have so much fun.. esp in band. haha.. doesn't seems to be fun when i am around. haha.. maybe its jus me la hor?? When i am around.. pple wun enjoy mah. hah... i am detestable la. heh.
Oh well.. anyway.. the past few days went really fine. hmm.. fri morning jus went to NP with Eliz to reg. Pple dere seems friendly.. or sld i say.. OVER FRIENDLY. bleahz. hee.. but well.. dey are nice la.. den after dat.. we were siam-ing frm all the cca-pple. hahaha.. cos i dun intend to join la.. cos if i do.. i will be joining back band?? But i heard NP band got lotsa politics one?? Which i dun look fwd to?? Cos back in jj n cres.. got lotsa politics one.. so.............. -shrugs- Maybe i mite join.. for the Passion of Music. NAh.. saw Charlene!!! hEe.. still the same la.. hmm.. den after dat.. we went westmall to shop abit. hmm.. Gd catching up with Eliz.. but will see her so often in sch next time also. hahahha..
Erms.. Sat is nice. I mean.. its my happy day!!!!!! hahaha.. kkz.. Saw him online for like da ferz tiMe.. after sooo long la.. so happy to see him.. ok la.. talk a while only.. but also happy. hEe.. Den for the rest of the day.. i am beaming all da way. heh.. den went cgm @ Sis Rachel's hse. Wah.. her hse is so nice.. purplish one. Hee.. Den saw Bro Vic, Sis Jav and Bro Lester. Wahah! Bro Lester is soooooo Shuai!!!! WHeee!! hahahah.. kkz.. he is attached already. ahhahaha.. But really man.. he is so shuai. haha... hmm.. happy day.. happy day... happy day. Oh~ I am still deciding which phone to buy.. sld i get Samsung E100A........ or Samsung X430? hahaa.. I like both sia............ hmmm........ in the midst of deciding lehs.. haha....... Help me decide?! hee
~+**+Happy Happy+**+~
Oh well.. anyway.. the past few days went really fine. hmm.. fri morning jus went to NP with Eliz to reg. Pple dere seems friendly.. or sld i say.. OVER FRIENDLY. bleahz. hee.. but well.. dey are nice la.. den after dat.. we were siam-ing frm all the cca-pple. hahaha.. cos i dun intend to join la.. cos if i do.. i will be joining back band?? But i heard NP band got lotsa politics one?? Which i dun look fwd to?? Cos back in jj n cres.. got lotsa politics one.. so.............. -shrugs- Maybe i mite join.. for the Passion of Music. NAh.. saw Charlene!!! hEe.. still the same la.. hmm.. den after dat.. we went westmall to shop abit. hmm.. Gd catching up with Eliz.. but will see her so often in sch next time also. hahahha..
Erms.. Sat is nice. I mean.. its my happy day!!!!!! hahaha.. kkz.. Saw him online for like da ferz tiMe.. after sooo long la.. so happy to see him.. ok la.. talk a while only.. but also happy. hEe.. Den for the rest of the day.. i am beaming all da way. heh.. den went cgm @ Sis Rachel's hse. Wah.. her hse is so nice.. purplish one. Hee.. Den saw Bro Vic, Sis Jav and Bro Lester. Wahah! Bro Lester is soooooo Shuai!!!! WHeee!! hahahah.. kkz.. he is attached already. ahhahaha.. But really man.. he is so shuai. haha... hmm.. happy day.. happy day... happy day. Oh~ I am still deciding which phone to buy.. sld i get Samsung E100A........ or Samsung X430? hahaa.. I like both sia............ hmmm........ in the midst of deciding lehs.. haha....... Help me decide?! hee
~+**+Happy Happy+**+~
Thursday, April 15, 2004
+SCREAM+ OMG! GNG JOBLESS AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!! I am nt sacked la.. jus dat out productivity is like.. super fast.. so we finish all the things meant for 2mths in like er... 2weeks??! So i am jobless. No money.. no talk.... no laptop....... no FONE. WTH! Stupid bank.. stupid agency. blahz.
Monday, April 12, 2004
oh~ was reading the newspaper jus now.. dey say the stunt dat Sharon Ou and Sun did was a bad influence but it raised the highest bid last nite. Was like wth?! How contradicting la. I mean.. if its really dat bad.. why wld pple like donate. But ok la.. i mus agree dat the stunt is so horrible.. when the darts is blown into Sun's back.. omg! i can feel my heart breaking.. o man.. cant imagine how Pst Kong is feeling @ dat time. Den when Sharon Ou was climbing up the sword ladders and coming down using a sword chair. i tink dats stupid k. Its dumb. She's a girl lohs.. any cuts will be fatal. WTH.
Oh.. anyway.. today at work. I am so bloody irritated by the si nan ren. He dare to accuse me christine and siling of ganging up against him to let him do the big big piles one and we are doing the smaller piles. He tinks dats the reason why we are doing so fast. Wadddeeehell!!! I mean.. u slow den say la.. no need to accuse us one loh?! Jealous den say la! I mean.. U ARE THE ONE WHUS SLOW lohs. wTh. Cant stand it lohs. Got face to say i gave him so much to do when all of us are taking the same thing. Like wth??? Go and die.
Oh.. anyway.. today at work. I am so bloody irritated by the si nan ren. He dare to accuse me christine and siling of ganging up against him to let him do the big big piles one and we are doing the smaller piles. He tinks dats the reason why we are doing so fast. Wadddeeehell!!! I mean.. u slow den say la.. no need to accuse us one loh?! Jealous den say la! I mean.. U ARE THE ONE WHUS SLOW lohs. wTh. Cant stand it lohs. Got face to say i gave him so much to do when all of us are taking the same thing. Like wth??? Go and die.
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Easter Celebration @Indoor truly rocks man! hee.. Went indoor with ah min yday. Woah.. spectacular! Whee.. so proud of my church?? Everything it does.. its the best. haha. All the fellow CHC members will truly agree with me. I bet those whu are non-chc members will be jealous of us?? The hall is like fully packed?? And rite outside the stadium, dere is still like 2000+ pple whu cant come in. So count urself lucky dat u can come into the stadium to enjoy the drama yah? heee. anyway.. b4 gng to the stadium, met Min @Clementi to eat dinner ferz. Dat ger.. so ma fan.. nitto get hairband for her match today.. hahaa.. so.. jus mite as well jus eat dere lohs.. haha.. den she msg me and say Angel is dere giving out flyers. hahaahhaha.....=x yah la.. [angel]U really own me one man. hahaha.. how suay can i be huh?? Met her 2 times and she dump her flyers to me>.< hahaa.. nvm la.. help her lighten her load lohs.. hahahaa.. wad are friends for?! hee.. den after dat.. we headed to City hall to take bus 16 to indoor. haha.. budden.. when we reach dere.. its like.. we waited for quite long la.. so in de end..... we took a cabbie in lohs.. haha.. $5.60 lehs.. got $2 extra charge.*&$*&)*$ So ex la.. hahaha.. oh.. hahaha.. jus realised Min dun dare to cross de road de.. as in.. dun dare to jay-walk BIG roads. HAHAHHAHAa...oppx. hehs.. anyway.. by the time we reach indoor.. its like.. its already packed. hee. and how zun can we get.. the door open when the i reached. Whahaha.. so we jus cut q and went in?! Hhahahaha....... Hmm.. hope Min willl enjoy the celebration!!! hee hee
Oh... anyway.. zao home frm work at 1245pm. hahaha.. cos Sharon left @1230pm mah.. hahahaha.. went home to slack abit b4 i go lohs.. haha.. hmm.. those whu miss de celebration yday is UR BIG BIG loss. Dats all i can lohs. -shrugs-
Happy Birthday YiYing!!!! Happy Birthday Kenneth Teo!!!!
Oh... anyway.. zao home frm work at 1245pm. hahaha.. cos Sharon left @1230pm mah.. hahahaha.. went home to slack abit b4 i go lohs.. haha.. hmm.. those whu miss de celebration yday is UR BIG BIG loss. Dats all i can lohs. -shrugs-
Happy Birthday YiYing!!!! Happy Birthday Kenneth Teo!!!!
Friday, April 09, 2004
Woah.. realised how long i nv blog. *YAWN* JUs came back frm IKEA.. hee.. went to have curry fish head @Alexander Village with my family. Woah.. like so long nv have dinner tgt le. hee.. its nice.. though i tink my mum can cook betta. haha.. Oh.. But bot so many things @ IKEA. Hee hee.. nice nice.. like so long nv go dere le. hahah.... anyway.. celebrated Kenneth's bday in the afternoon. Hee.. i am the game-master. Wahaha.. being planning since last week le. haha.. Thank me.. ahaha.. quite fun la.. but like so bad lehs.. the herbal tea. Eee.. looks real bitter u noe. hahaha.. but he is so blur de. hahaa.. Din noe we celebrating his bday den when he sees us.. he still blur. hahaa.... Hmmm.. den after the celebration... me+Qin+yan+Shen went JP to get some stuff.. woah... bot an ink cartridge and some papers frm Zhiliang's card. hhaha... spent like $60+??! So broke now.
Oh~ tmL is the easter celebration! Woah! So exciting le!!!! hee hee.. but tml i hafta go work?! Haha~ Like how sian can it be?!?!?!?!?!
Oh~ tmL is the easter celebration! Woah! So exciting le!!!! hee hee.. but tml i hafta go work?! Haha~ Like how sian can it be?!?!?!?!?!
What:: Easter Celebration @Indoor Stadium
Date::11th April 2004
Meeting place::North entrance @Indoor stadium
Gatherin held @::Indoor Stadium lohz
Wad ta bring::Bible~
Who Ta Call::Me?! Whu wans to come for the celebration?????
Who's Goin So Far::My Cg, min
How ta confirm with me?::Call me @HP
Wad can u do?::try to convince pple to go. hee..
Date::11th April 2004
Meeting place::North entrance @Indoor stadium
Gatherin held @::Indoor Stadium lohz
Wad ta bring::Bible~
Who Ta Call::Me?! Whu wans to come for the celebration?????
Who's Goin So Far::My Cg, min
How ta confirm with me?::Call me @HP
Wad can u do?::try to convince pple to go. hee..
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Oh.. got my pay today. hMm.. tiNk kelly services is a big cheater. ha.. dun wan to blog abt it.. can ask me if u wan to. hehs..
Monday, April 05, 2004
Oh~ i am gng back to work tml. Sharon called this morning.. haha~ while i am still in lala land.. hehs.. and i SURE sound horrible cos every morning.. my voice will sound like frog croaking?! hehe.. but nvm.. working is gd.. betta den nutting to do den rot @home rite? hee. Budden.. my fave pastime is to rot @home leHs.. hahahaha.. nvm.. den tmL i tiNk gotta do OT le.. haiz~ I really sian diaoz..
Saturday, April 03, 2004
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Anything you don't bold is false.
01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions.
02. I don't watch much TV these days.
03. I love psychodelic mushrooms.
04. I love sleeping.
05. I have loads of books.
06. I once slept in a toilet.
07. I love playing video games.
08. I adore marijuana.
09. I watch porn movies. (hahaha)
10. I watch them with my father.
11. I like sharks.
12. I love spiders.
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair.
14. I like George Bush.
15. People are cool.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
17. I have jacuzzi and a Porsche.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself.
20. I'm really really smart.
21. I've never broken someone's bones.
22. I have a secret.
23. I hate snow.
24. I drink only milk.
25. Punk rock rules.
26. I hate Bill Gates!
27. I love Chinese food.
28. I would hate to be famous.
29. I am not a morning person. 30. I wear glasses.
31. I don't need glasses.
32. I have potential.
33. I like cheese.
34. My legs are two different sizes.
35. I have a twin.
36. I wear a padded bra. Otherwise I don't have boobs.
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing.
38. I'm left-handed.
39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them.
40. I don't like horror movies.
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway.
42. People hate me usually.
43. I like pop music.
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight.
45. I hate parking fines.
46. I know the National Anthem of my country by heart...
47. I know more than two languages.
48. I spend too much time on my computer.
49. I often want to throw my computer out the window.
50. I live on the first floor.
51. I don't like chocolate.
52. I'd like to be more original.
53. I've lied before.
54. Cocks are my favorite birds. (lol!)
55. I want to conquer the world.
56. I wonder what happens when you die.
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter.
58. Eat your dog!
59. I love to exercise.
60. I hate science with a passion.
61. I like to write.
62. I like changes.
63. I hate going to class.
64. I am afraid to die.
65. I hate dish washing.
66. My hair is long, brown, and curly.
67. My nails are nine inches long.
68. One of my favorite colors is black.
69. I like to sleep on the floor.
70. I am hopeless at cooking.
71. I sucked my thumb when I was little.
72. I should be doing something else rather than writing this.
73. I am online a lot, but not on AOL.
74. I hate government.
75. I have a boyfriend.
76. I'm too nice for my own good.
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can. Though I never have time.
78. I don't trust newspapers.
79. I sometimes like arguing.
80. I live in a lagoon.
81. I clean my room once a month. (haha)
82. I'm scared of american fast food.
83. I am prying open my third eye.
84. I love Mozambique.
85. I don't trust any religion.
86. I used to play with barbies.
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little.
88. I like listening to wind chimes.
89. I'm very disorganized.
90. My hair is long and straight.
91. I learn a lot.
92. I don't like spicy food.
93. I keep a diary.
94. I can't do cartwheels.
95. I am very lazy.
96. I'm sarcastic.
97. I think my hair is annoying.
98. I'm very emotional.
99. I love being "ab-normal".
100. My left eye is violet and my right eye is a light blue
YAWN! haha~ jUs came home awhile ago frm orchard. hee.. Today no work lehs.. till Wed/thurs liddat cos apparently dey are gng to review on the work we did and change the whole system again la.. haha~ so its like.. dey need time to settle everything b4 we can cont again. haha~ so its like hol for me again lohs. Hmm.. Went to Bugis with Min jus now. woah.. actually we wanted to shop Bugis Village la.. but its VERY hot lehS.. haha` bath liao like nv bath liddat ma.. so in the end, we went to Seiyu dere to shop lohs. Saw this bag.. my god.. wanted to get actually.. but min also wanted to get this sling bag la.. so hafta wait for her decision b4 we head back to buy that bag another day. hee... den we were shopping around for something we can buy tgt.. haha! Den in the end, we end up buying the same keychain la.. budden, mine is handphone accessory la.. hers is keychain cos i bot a keychain frm 77th Street le. haha. its a doggie with red shorts with a BIG bellly! ahaa..cute cute.. hee.. den we went to cine to meet jean and norman. haha~ so irritating!! Kenneth is late la.. so in de end, i tink Min's sis is angry la.. cos her face damn black lohs.. haha.. so i also quite scared ya?? so i zao home ferz.. hahaha... Anyway.. its fun today la.. love it.. heee
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Anything you don't bold is false.
01. When I was younger I made some bad decisions.
02. I don't watch much TV these days.
03. I love psychodelic mushrooms.
04. I love sleeping.
05. I have loads of books.
06. I once slept in a toilet.
07. I love playing video games.
08. I adore marijuana.
09. I watch porn movies. (hahaha)
10. I watch them with my father.
11. I like sharks.
12. I love spiders.
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair.
14. I like George Bush.
15. People are cool.
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
17. I have jacuzzi and a Porsche.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself.
20. I'm really really smart.
21. I've never broken someone's bones.
22. I have a secret.
23. I hate snow.
24. I drink only milk.
25. Punk rock rules.
26. I hate Bill Gates!
27. I love Chinese food.
28. I would hate to be famous.
29. I am not a morning person. 30. I wear glasses.
31. I don't need glasses.
32. I have potential.
33. I like cheese.
34. My legs are two different sizes.
35. I have a twin.
36. I wear a padded bra. Otherwise I don't have boobs.
37. I can ramble on about absolutely nothing.
38. I'm left-handed.
39. I hate llamas, but I'm one of them.
40. I don't like horror movies.
41. I suck at climbing, but I love it anyway.
42. People hate me usually.
43. I like pop music.
44. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight.
45. I hate parking fines.
46. I know the National Anthem of my country by heart...
47. I know more than two languages.
48. I spend too much time on my computer.
49. I often want to throw my computer out the window.
50. I live on the first floor.
51. I don't like chocolate.
52. I'd like to be more original.
53. I've lied before.
54. Cocks are my favorite birds. (lol!)
55. I want to conquer the world.
56. I wonder what happens when you die.
57. I've read all books about Harry Potter.
58. Eat your dog!
59. I love to exercise.
60. I hate science with a passion.
61. I like to write.
62. I like changes.
63. I hate going to class.
64. I am afraid to die.
65. I hate dish washing.
66. My hair is long, brown, and curly.
67. My nails are nine inches long.
68. One of my favorite colors is black.
69. I like to sleep on the floor.
70. I am hopeless at cooking.
71. I sucked my thumb when I was little.
72. I should be doing something else rather than writing this.
73. I am online a lot, but not on AOL.
74. I hate government.
75. I have a boyfriend.
76. I'm too nice for my own good.
77. I love to read, I read as much as I can. Though I never have time.
78. I don't trust newspapers.
79. I sometimes like arguing.
80. I live in a lagoon.
81. I clean my room once a month. (haha)
82. I'm scared of american fast food.
83. I am prying open my third eye.
84. I love Mozambique.
85. I don't trust any religion.
86. I used to play with barbies.
87. I wanted to be a super hero when I was little.
88. I like listening to wind chimes.
89. I'm very disorganized.
90. My hair is long and straight.
91. I learn a lot.
92. I don't like spicy food.
93. I keep a diary.
94. I can't do cartwheels.
95. I am very lazy.
96. I'm sarcastic.
97. I think my hair is annoying.
98. I'm very emotional.
99. I love being "ab-normal".
100. My left eye is violet and my right eye is a light blue
YAWN! haha~ jUs came home awhile ago frm orchard. hee.. Today no work lehs.. till Wed/thurs liddat cos apparently dey are gng to review on the work we did and change the whole system again la.. haha~ so its like.. dey need time to settle everything b4 we can cont again. haha~ so its like hol for me again lohs. Hmm.. Went to Bugis with Min jus now. woah.. actually we wanted to shop Bugis Village la.. but its VERY hot lehS.. haha` bath liao like nv bath liddat ma.. so in the end, we went to Seiyu dere to shop lohs. Saw this bag.. my god.. wanted to get actually.. but min also wanted to get this sling bag la.. so hafta wait for her decision b4 we head back to buy that bag another day. hee... den we were shopping around for something we can buy tgt.. haha! Den in the end, we end up buying the same keychain la.. budden, mine is handphone accessory la.. hers is keychain cos i bot a keychain frm 77th Street le. haha. its a doggie with red shorts with a BIG bellly! ahaa..cute cute.. hee.. den we went to cine to meet jean and norman. haha~ so irritating!! Kenneth is late la.. so in de end, i tink Min's sis is angry la.. cos her face damn black lohs.. haha.. so i also quite scared ya?? so i zao home ferz.. hahaha... Anyway.. its fun today la.. love it.. heee