had gotten my time table already... hmm.. and i see already see myself gg bonkers during the coming sem already. hmm.. will be having IS on thursday but for now its blank cos we haven choose our IS modules yet. And i am praying hard dat its gg to be in the morning... not afternoon. Yeah... will be having Cost and managerial Accounting which is like a totally different thing from poa. hmm.. den financial management which is gg to be more tables and formulas. haha! This will be my 2 very core modules. *see stars* hmm.. thank God i am not taking IEF this sem or else erm. i tink i can jus go bang wall and die. *chum chum* ok. will be gg out with min tml. haha.. erm.. long time no see ah. hahah~ yeah yeah. ok.. shall be off now.. my toe is hurting *sobz*
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Indulge is the highest level of enjoyment.
had gotten my time table already... hmm.. and i see already see myself gg bonkers during the coming sem already. hmm.. will be having IS on thursday but for now its blank cos we haven choose our IS modules yet. And i am praying hard dat its gg to be in the morning... not afternoon. Yeah... will be having Cost and managerial Accounting which is like a totally different thing from poa. hmm.. den financial management which is gg to be more tables and formulas. haha! This will be my 2 very core modules. *see stars* hmm.. thank God i am not taking IEF this sem or else erm. i tink i can jus go bang wall and die. *chum chum* ok. will be gg out with min tml. haha.. erm.. long time no see ah. hahah~ yeah yeah. ok.. shall be off now.. my toe is hurting *sobz*
had gotten my time table already... hmm.. and i see already see myself gg bonkers during the coming sem already. hmm.. will be having IS on thursday but for now its blank cos we haven choose our IS modules yet. And i am praying hard dat its gg to be in the morning... not afternoon. Yeah... will be having Cost and managerial Accounting which is like a totally different thing from poa. hmm.. den financial management which is gg to be more tables and formulas. haha! This will be my 2 very core modules. *see stars* hmm.. thank God i am not taking IEF this sem or else erm. i tink i can jus go bang wall and die. *chum chum* ok. will be gg out with min tml. haha.. erm.. long time no see ah. hahah~ yeah yeah. ok.. shall be off now.. my toe is hurting *sobz*
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I need retail therapy. Badly.
yeah. went out wit weiyan+xiang xuan+kitmun to queenway shopping centre to shop yday night. Actually me and yan met to go ikea ferz cos she wanted to get a tv rack for her room.. budden, xuan called and we went down to the hotdog shop to meet him. hee ( : I tink it was the ferz time i went out with xuan sia.. cos normally he's busy and stuff. *hoho*
Oh! and he is enlisting on the 9th Sept. hee ( : and he is feeling damn sian abt it cos he actually WISHED dat he go in during june. haha~ yeah.. anyway.. we went to get the hotdog cos both yan and xuan had not eaten their dinner and as for me, i cound'nt anyOhow eat lah.. dats why i can only drink while they eat their deliciooooouuuuuss hotdog x)
So we walked to queensway shopping centre *note: km is still rushing her way to meet us cos she was in church for pos meeting* haha.. yeah.. den we went around looking for jean's cousin hp shop call "Mobile Banana". Hee ( : cute cute name.. and we gave it a chinese shop name.. "liu dong xiang jiao". hahahah!! Ok. not funny.. but went in to look at the phones.. cos yan lost her phone 2days ago when she was in the toilet. haha.. so we went to look around and yeah.. in the end, she din buy anything lah. hahaha!! Yeah.. we walked around some shops and saw this pair of earrings. *omigosh* i like it! *nodds* its those kind of vintage earrings and its ain't heavy.. as compared to the ones i saw at far east and its definitely cheaper lah! its only $9.90!! haha! But in the end, i din buy it *grumbles*
So in the end, km finally arrived.
we cont'd walking around and came to this shop. i dunno wad shop is it but outside, it had alot of flip flops. so i look around lah.. cos my mum gave my pink flip flops to my gu ma who is in hospital now. So at ferz.. i jus look at the flip flops den this salesman A came and introduced the flip flops to me. Den i was like "erm.. ok.. yah.." I din even have the chance to say ANYTHING den he was like "Nvm la! Jus tRy it lah!" Den he took out the holder and INSIST that i try them. *faints* Den all of us were like.. giving that dunno-wad-expression. So i try them on.. den asked the price and realised the plain coloured one is $14.90 and the ones with prints is $19.90. so i was like.."ok.. i tink abt it ferz." But he make me feel so bad cos he's like so freaking friendly and i walked away. haha.. but in the end, i went back cos i seriously like the flip flops alot. haha.. so salesman B came out and he's like EQUALLY friendly. hahaha.. so after barginning and stuff.. i decided to get the green one. haha.. yeah.. so in the end, he decided to sell to me at $13. haha.. he wanted to charge me $13.90 so i INSISTED that i wan it at $13. hahah!! erm. But come to tink of it, i sld had bargain to $10. lolx. yeah yeah.. so erm.. these 2 salesmen are freaking friendly lah. So erm. pls go support them. hahaha!! *faintS*
yeah. went out wit weiyan+xiang xuan+kitmun to queenway shopping centre to shop yday night. Actually me and yan met to go ikea ferz cos she wanted to get a tv rack for her room.. budden, xuan called and we went down to the hotdog shop to meet him. hee ( : I tink it was the ferz time i went out with xuan sia.. cos normally he's busy and stuff. *hoho*
Oh! and he is enlisting on the 9th Sept. hee ( : and he is feeling damn sian abt it cos he actually WISHED dat he go in during june. haha~ yeah.. anyway.. we went to get the hotdog cos both yan and xuan had not eaten their dinner and as for me, i cound'nt anyOhow eat lah.. dats why i can only drink while they eat their deliciooooouuuuuss hotdog x)
So we walked to queensway shopping centre *note: km is still rushing her way to meet us cos she was in church for pos meeting* haha.. yeah.. den we went around looking for jean's cousin hp shop call "Mobile Banana". Hee ( : cute cute name.. and we gave it a chinese shop name.. "liu dong xiang jiao". hahahah!! Ok. not funny.. but went in to look at the phones.. cos yan lost her phone 2days ago when she was in the toilet. haha.. so we went to look around and yeah.. in the end, she din buy anything lah. hahaha!! Yeah.. we walked around some shops and saw this pair of earrings. *omigosh* i like it! *nodds* its those kind of vintage earrings and its ain't heavy.. as compared to the ones i saw at far east and its definitely cheaper lah! its only $9.90!! haha! But in the end, i din buy it *grumbles*
So in the end, km finally arrived.
we cont'd walking around and came to this shop. i dunno wad shop is it but outside, it had alot of flip flops. so i look around lah.. cos my mum gave my pink flip flops to my gu ma who is in hospital now. So at ferz.. i jus look at the flip flops den this salesman A came and introduced the flip flops to me. Den i was like "erm.. ok.. yah.." I din even have the chance to say ANYTHING den he was like "Nvm la! Jus tRy it lah!" Den he took out the holder and INSIST that i try them. *faints* Den all of us were like.. giving that dunno-wad-expression. So i try them on.. den asked the price and realised the plain coloured one is $14.90 and the ones with prints is $19.90. so i was like.."ok.. i tink abt it ferz." But he make me feel so bad cos he's like so freaking friendly and i walked away. haha.. but in the end, i went back cos i seriously like the flip flops alot. haha.. so salesman B came out and he's like EQUALLY friendly. hahaha.. so after barginning and stuff.. i decided to get the green one. haha.. yeah.. so in the end, he decided to sell to me at $13. haha.. he wanted to charge me $13.90 so i INSISTED that i wan it at $13. hahah!! erm. But come to tink of it, i sld had bargain to $10. lolx. yeah yeah.. so erm.. these 2 salesmen are freaking friendly lah. So erm. pls go support them. hahaha!! *faintS*
Saturday, April 23, 2005
yups. its past midnight and i am still not asleep yet. haha.. cannot get to slp although my neck is hurting like crazy.. i dun tink i can even turn 90deg now. haha.. yeahx.. went blog-surfing jus now and i found out some bit and pieces lil secrets *evil grinz* hahah.. but yeah.. was quite shocked lah.. so yeahx.. hmm.. actually did some quizzie but decided not to post it up. haha~ dun feel like. ActuallY i am feeling happy now.. cos someone's bday is approaching and yeah.. time to meet up with old friends again. hahah.. its more of like the gathering of the year and yuppys.. i love them to bits but due to my busy timetable.. i dun have the time to meet up with them especially pple like joy, may, weizhen, jas and angie. ok.. it had been years since i saw weizhen. I had only talked to her on msn. Jaslyn.. saw her b4 i got chicken pox at Benny Hinn's conference.. joy, visiting her at the hospital and calling her at 1626. angie, the last time i saw her was at alex's place doing our hair. May.. last seen at liang jing ru's concert. haha~ Ok.. i never go for the outing dat time when this clique met up *opps* And the last time i saw the cresent band clique was like.. at the sushi thingy with edmund and jiaming. And yeah.. dats the last time i saw them.. if can.. i will want to meet up again.. and yeah.. but i doubt they are reading my blog lah.. Yeah.. no contacts and everything.. sad huh. I tink i am a bad friend or something.. i even forgot abt weilin's bday till like dunno when? Ok.. Yeah. Jus got this dunno wad feeling now.. *pouts* this is bad i noe. but oh wellS...
Saw the newspaper on 21st April 2005.
Woman fell from 13th Floor While Wiping the Windows.
and guess who is dat? Its the daughter of the mama shop opposite my hse. Ok.. its darn shocking for everyone including all my neighbours.. i mean.. who would had tot of this happening? the girl is only 26 years old and she jus celebrated her bday on the 19th and she died on the 20th. The perfect tragic story of the century. Ok.. maybe its dun sound tragic but yeah.. for her parents yes.. they had slogged all their life in the small lil pathetic grocery shop in order to let their children go thru proper education. The girl had jus finished her university studies-chemical engineering. uh huh.. bright future and now.. everything is like smoke.. G.O.N.E. ok.. i mean.. yesh. tragedy do happns and we do not noe when how where we are gg to go up to heaven. oh well.. but pls let me die a beautifully.. not horribly.
ok.. enuff of tragedy................
yeah.. got my results on thurs. haha!! err..
Biz Stats: B
Microeconomics: C
Ocomm: B
OB: C+
S&W: Passed
as u can see.. i am not a bright kid. haha~ but i am really shocked dat my cip got B cos i tot i would fail it or at most had gotten a D? ahha! And the subject i studied the hardest.. Microecons.. got a C. All i can say is.. WHAT THE HELL?!!! haha! Yeah.. and OB.. C+.. got reason one ok.. cos on dat day.. i discovered i got chicken pox and i was quarantined at lt73 with my throat itching like crazy and i was feeling damn cold lahh.. and i finished the paper in 1hr 15min. haha! Oh well.. heng i pass s&w cos i pon 2 times.. *bleahz* overall.. 5B 2C. haha! Bad results.. gotta work harder.. i de-proved k. last sem only 1C *pouts* yeah.. but its over so i dun really care.. hee ( : and now i am awaiting for yr 2. *pouts*
Yeah! I finally went to church yday.. haha~ 1 mth loh.. it had been 1mth since i stepped into the church audi. Oh Myyy.. *sobz* saw lotsa old friends and yeah.. him. haha! i meant.. the irritating one. *sticks out tongue* always want my attention. forever hitting me on my shoulders and he like only say hi-bye to me. Ok. YeaH. *i dun wanna know* yeah.. took lotsa pictures with yan's cam and my fone too. hohoho~ shall upload it soonnnn.. ( :
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
bleahx. i suddenly reaslied dere are tons of magazines for me to read. haha! I got Cleo, U-weekly and i-weekly. uh uh. I dun normally buy u-weekly but this week's one is like quite alot of things to read leh. lolx.. and now i am reading the once-a-mth dosage of cleo. lolz!
hmm.. went for tuition yday at the kids' house and i tell u.. i nearly walked out of the house when i was teaching the brother can? i mean.. he's p5 and by right, he ought to noe the basics of fractions rite? I mean normal plus minus times divide for fractions. And apparently he dunno lah? And he doesn't even noe his times table. I mean hello? P5 le lehh!!! And when i was teaching him the same thing over and over again.. he got fustrated and started to black faced me and jus stare into space lah? I mean hello? here i am trying to help u to understand the concept and u dare to show me the temper u've got? And he doesn't noe the common factors and mulitple. If i throw him a qn like..
wad is the common factor for 6 and 18? He took like almost 10min and he told me he dunno? I even made him write out on paper the mulitples of 6 and 18 and he dunno? I was like EXPLODING already.
And den he was like "i got short term memory." And it set me thinking.. ok.. so when u reach p6, pls go and die. hahah~ ok.. i am darn mean but hey! I am jus concerned? I wun jus take the money and let u die! I am not dat irresponsible mah. *sighx* Kids nowadays.. *shakes head* haha.. yeah.
hmm.. went for tuition yday at the kids' house and i tell u.. i nearly walked out of the house when i was teaching the brother can? i mean.. he's p5 and by right, he ought to noe the basics of fractions rite? I mean normal plus minus times divide for fractions. And apparently he dunno lah? And he doesn't even noe his times table. I mean hello? P5 le lehh!!! And when i was teaching him the same thing over and over again.. he got fustrated and started to black faced me and jus stare into space lah? I mean hello? here i am trying to help u to understand the concept and u dare to show me the temper u've got? And he doesn't noe the common factors and mulitple. If i throw him a qn like..
5/6 x 18
wad is the common factor for 6 and 18? He took like almost 10min and he told me he dunno? I even made him write out on paper the mulitples of 6 and 18 and he dunno? I was like EXPLODING already.
And den he was like "i got short term memory." And it set me thinking.. ok.. so when u reach p6, pls go and die. hahah~ ok.. i am darn mean but hey! I am jus concerned? I wun jus take the money and let u die! I am not dat irresponsible mah. *sighx* Kids nowadays.. *shakes head* haha.. yeah.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Yuppys. I am back! hee ( : its raining now.. and yeah.. dunno how am i gg for tuition now? And the worst thing is dat, i forgot to get the phone number from my tuition kid.. so i cant contact then if i rallie cant go. Oh wells.
i seriously wanna go kbox. Any takers?
Ok.. yeah.. anyway.. watched the nkf thingy at yday and was wondering WHY SINGAPOREANS NEED TO RESORT TO DANGEROUS STUNTS TO GET THE PPLE TO DONATE? Weird rite? The overseas artiste jus need to sing and perform some light stunts and they can easily reach the target and yday.. *shakes head* Its saddening lah. And dey had to drag for so long to reach the target. Oh. and did i mention i miss STAR RUNNER on Channel U? But i watched the last 15min and Vanesse really really became more handsome. hahah!! Try comparing him with the character in meteor garden. wahahahaha :X
ok. and why does blogger seems so lag? *ponders*
And i am writting in paragraph. Shumin!! Happy? lolx. anyway.. hope everything is ok for u at home. cheers up yeah? U've got my ears to listen to ur complains or shoulders to lean on at all times. FOC! *winkz*
yuppys.. and i chionged my bible reading yday nite and finally i am back on track.. jus lag behind by a few chapters now. hahaha~ still lag.. but better den last time.. lag for 2books *roll eyes* gg to chiong more afterwards. haha~
i seriously wanna go kbox. Any takers?
Ok.. yeah.. anyway.. watched the nkf thingy at yday and was wondering WHY SINGAPOREANS NEED TO RESORT TO DANGEROUS STUNTS TO GET THE PPLE TO DONATE? Weird rite? The overseas artiste jus need to sing and perform some light stunts and they can easily reach the target and yday.. *shakes head* Its saddening lah. And dey had to drag for so long to reach the target. Oh. and did i mention i miss STAR RUNNER on Channel U? But i watched the last 15min and Vanesse really really became more handsome. hahah!! Try comparing him with the character in meteor garden. wahahahaha :X
ok. and why does blogger seems so lag? *ponders*
And i am writting in paragraph. Shumin!! Happy? lolx. anyway.. hope everything is ok for u at home. cheers up yeah? U've got my ears to listen to ur complains or shoulders to lean on at all times. FOC! *winkz*
yuppys.. and i chionged my bible reading yday nite and finally i am back on track.. jus lag behind by a few chapters now. hahaha~ still lag.. but better den last time.. lag for 2books *roll eyes* gg to chiong more afterwards. haha~
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
hee( : i dreamt the whole nite away u noe. And its sweet sweet dreams.. i guess its the sweetest dreams i had since the start of this yr. haha~ shan't tell her *blush* Been so freee.. jus wanna upload some pics. lolx. heh ( :

pizza pizza. haha~ at SIM

hee.. after my last presentation of the sem. whacky look

at the canteen. look at Clifford's Face-_-"

taken outside lt45. supposed to be studying for econs.. but.. hahah~

guess who is this? lolx ^.^

at the library.. supposed to be doing project u noe. hahah!

pizza pizza. haha~ at SIM

hee.. after my last presentation of the sem. whacky look

at the canteen. look at Clifford's Face-_-"

taken outside lt45. supposed to be studying for econs.. but.. hahah~

guess who is this? lolx ^.^

at the library.. supposed to be doing project u noe. hahah!
Monday, April 11, 2005
yeah.. here i am~ lolx.. aiyar.. i am so free lah.. being slacking and slacking and slacking *pouts* not dat i dun like to slack lah.. its jus dat i feel that its wrong to slack during holidays? haha~ cos its like.. everyone seems to be working hard and i am slacking here lah? Den at the end of the hols, i wun have any income and stuff and by that time i will feel so blardy sad lah? lolx. *siaoz* okok~ a piece of good news. A tuition agent called me yday and gave me a tuition assignment. Its 2 person.. i tink siblings lah.. den erm.. pri3 and pri 5 teach eng maths chinese. the rate is ok lah.. haha~ and the best thing is.. its near my hse lah? I can be home in 10min.. straight bus home and stuff.. erm.. but lets hope its gg to be successful lah? I mean.. I had 2 unhappy incidents b4 with tuition parents so yeah.. *pray hard* uh huhx.. yday got the nkf show.. tink the best perfomance is by the older generation singers like zhou hua jian and zhen ni. haha! when zhen ni sang, i was 'woah-ing' all da way man~ her voice is sooo nice and powerful.. haha~ jus put any new generation singer beside lah and yar.. u can really see the difference lah.. lolx.. and who's dat.. erm.. chuen yifeng.. omg~ her stunt is really stunning. hahah~ i was holding my breath when she was climbing every step lahx.. and jack neo.. oh my.. i am so scared his tongue will be cut off or something lah~ lol.. yeah.. overall its still ok lah.. next week still have 1 more and yeah.. its back to the stunning stunts again.. tink singaporeans really have no other talents other den performing stunts huh? Heard "Incomparable Jay Live Concert" on yes933 jus now.. haha~ they cut till like dunno wad... but hee hee.. got my fave jian dan ai so nvm~ tsk tsk. ok.. jus read abt the story for huo xia qu and omg? The Liangyi(gangster) is gg to die lah!! so sad loh.. *sighx* heng friday i will not be watching cos i will be gg to church. hahah~ or else i will cry man.. haha~ cos i watch the show becos of him. hahah!!! okok.. this is so dumb :X oh. and my sister got chicken pox. hahah!! And she said its all my fault. hahah!! but hello? its dat blardy tuition kid's fault lah.. if he doesn't have it.. i wun have it and i wun miss my exams and den my sista will nt have it *noodds* haha~ hope she get well soon.. but her condition like worse den mine... cos her tongue have, throat have and her face got alot!! oh my~ i am feeling so bad now. its all Satan the stupid devil fault. all his fault den the earth have illness and death. Stupid Satan *humpf*
Saturday, April 09, 2005
hee.. change template again.. and this only shows one thing.. i am damn free. *lol* yupps.. decided to have a black background cos erm.. had a white background like for very long le.. its time for a change. hee (: this skin like very sad lah.. wad memories of u. hahah!! Like as though i jus broke up or something? hahah~ choyz.. no darling so wun breakup kz. lolx! yupp yupps~ gg to play wheel of fortune with xinzi now.. ciaoz~
Friday, April 08, 2005
haha.. decided to like change my template cos something was freaking wrong with my template.. haha.. i cant load them leh.. and when i change back to my cloud-template.. dere are slash lines all over the entries and links and stuff *boo* yupps.. this template like quite nice lah.. so i jus use it loh. heh.. anyway.. i am free from exams le! haha~ went to take my re-exams on wed and thurs. o my! Wed i had econs and bstats. ahhah!! so xiong huhx.. was like freaking out on tues when i got the timetable for the re-exams. Cos econs will be at 9am and bstats will be at 2pm. ahha~ but thank God lah.. everything went well.. the econs paper was damn theory.. no cal at all!! Can u believe it? Oh My! But stats was unbelievable easy. hahah~ okok.. its not DAT easy but at least i noe how to do the probability rite. hahaha!! Thurs morning had CIP and it was difficult lah. haha~ who to blame lah.. i din study.. i really really pray hard dat i can pass leh!! Like Dammit! All the Qn seems so foreign to Me.. *sighx* pls let me pass!! I wan to clear CIP! it will be so dumb if i retake CIP next SEM!!! Oh My Oh MY!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
the results of the appeal will be out in err.. 1hr 15min. omg omg. pls pls pls.. lemme have the re-exam and i will do anything. hahah~ but either i will die cos i din really study during this period of time leh. hahah.. chams. my cip not finished.. econs not any better.. only finished bstats but err.. its not any better lah. hahah~ chams.. but aiyar.. jus lemme take the re-exams lah.. and i will pass it. hahah! get it over and done with. *yay* ahh.. tink i will blog again the appeal results..... and i am so so so gan chiong abt it now. *arghx* I can feel butterflies in my stomach now.. o man.. *argh*
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Jus watched "Turn.Left.Turn.Right" and omg. i realised its the 4th time i am watching it. hahah! once in cinema. twice on dvd. once on tv.. hahah~ and i still tink the show is so nice!! Takeshi is so so so shuai!! ahh.. charming fellow. hee hee( : i love dat show. So romantic and stuff. yupps! ( : i tink i had watched too much tv le. hahah~ i had been sitting in front of the tv since 430pm... and now its 1130pm le. hahah~ i tink i sld wait for the 12am show lah.. cos got S.H.E. whahah!! err.. dunno lah.. now channel 8 got this jap ghost show. hahah~ but i tink its funny.. dunno why. hee hee ( : the husband jus murdered the wife and err.. i tink the wife will turn into ghost and haunt for the rest of the show? hahah~ typical story lah. uh uh. i am happy today cos i talked to him today. hahah~ yupps. I still DO like him.. i realised. hahah! the feelings is indescribable lah.. its like.. so nice to talk to him and stuff and he could really make me luff. heh( : and dats why i feel happy *noodds* ohoh~ my dad finally sell away his old nokia8250 and buy the samsung phone. hahah~ he was asking me whether i wan to x-change my phone with him or not cos his phone got camera but he wun use it.. haha~ but i said no. hahah~ i mean who doesn't like to use new stuff lah.. i mean.. jus let my dad use the new phone ba.. hee ( : everyone likes to use new phone.. yupps~ and mine is like.. 1 yr old le.. like quite old also.. see lah.. maybe some time later i will exhange with him. hee ( :