Sunday, June 29, 2003
gUEss i wuN be coMing onLine as ofTen.. hEh... at most twice a week.. hEh.. sad.. bUT.. stUdies is mORe impT! hAHa.. yeaUps.. wIsHing all ppLE taking CT ANd miD YR the best! aLL the wAy kkz.. nv gIve uP.. LM herE sUppOrtinG U! hAHa.. tAke cARe too~ hEe.. yeAUps.. hOpe HE wiLL do weLL in his bLOck test.. hURhuR.. toO bad.. hE toO buSy.. and i cANt wish him luck perSonaLLy.. hA|z.. bUT... i NOe hE is GonNA maKe it.. hAHZ..
hEH.. its the 2nd day he is busy.. anD i din chAt wITh hIm.. hEHe.. weLL.. at leasT he Told mE he is bUsy.. hAHHA... oOhh.. so hAppy... sch reopening le.. hHee.. i must be nUts.. but i miss sch~ hAHA.. not dAt i like jj.. but i just miss scH~ haha..i must be nuts.. keke..
Saturday, June 28, 2003
HehE.. today i wEnt for xRay.. wOohoo.. 2 diff doCs say diff things? oNE say tear ligaments.. one say cracked bone.. aRgh.. dUnnO wad to saY mAn.. haHa.. lEg hUrts as uSuaL.. hEhe.. MMx.. he is so bUSy todAy.. cant evEn talk to hIm today.. sAd mAn.. wHy so busy oNE.. haIz.. jadEy aLso not heRe.. cant talk to her.. haIz.. why everyoNe not here!!! haiz.. haha..thAnks anGEL.. heLp me pUt my fAVe sOng mAn.. sUchA sAd sONg.. haIz.. so nICe.. hEHe.. yeaUps.. sToP crappiNg man. hAhhzz.. nIgHts LM!
Friday, June 27, 2003
yEAhs.. finaL coUntDoWn.. hEh.. its fRiday.. 3 mORe days.. scH reOpen sIan.. hEhe... yeah.. tmL i wiLL be gng foR xRAy to see izzit reaLLy a craCked bOne.. i hopEd its nOT.. hEHe.. bUdDen.. if its not.. i must take napFa? HEHe.. i duNno lar.. so coNtradicting.. HEe.. dats woman. ficlkLE mindEd. woAh.. HAHA..
haiz.. are all guys ederts? MMxx.. sOmething hapPened wHIch madE me tHinK dat.. hAiz.. i duNno why.. so sad.=(
LifE is so bOring. Oos.. nAHs.. cANt beLiEve wAd i did toDAy.. i was doIng pHy tYS.. dEn in fRont of mE is one blAnk piece of rOugh paper.. so i toOk my pEnciL and stArted to wrIte his nAMe. oMg. cANt beLieVe thIS is hAppEning.. cRazy oVer hIm siAx.. heLp.. i dUn wAn things to be like dAt.. mMxx.. bUt wad cAN i dO?!
haiz.. are all guys ederts? MMxx.. sOmething hapPened wHIch madE me tHinK dat.. hAiz.. i duNno why.. so sad.=(
LifE is so bOring. Oos.. nAHs.. cANt beLiEve wAd i did toDAy.. i was doIng pHy tYS.. dEn in fRont of mE is one blAnk piece of rOugh paper.. so i toOk my pEnciL and stArted to wrIte his nAMe. oMg. cANt beLieVe thIS is hAppEning.. cRazy oVer hIm siAx.. heLp.. i dUn wAn things to be like dAt.. mMxx.. bUt wad cAN i dO?!
Thursday, June 26, 2003
hAha.. congrads to me? thE doc confirm dat i fractured my leg.. luckiLy its onLy a minoR fractURed lar. *pHew* yeaups.. i feLL down again loHs.. sHit mAn.. and my left thigh is badLy scratched. hAH.. clumsy lil ger.. hEhe.. not realLy in a bery good mOod today.. just nOW wHEn i appLy medicine to my wound.. it was so pain tilL i was tremBling.. oMg.. dEn my foot aLso.. haiz.. bUt.. i udnNo whY.. wHEn i start to talk to hIM.. haha.. my Mood becAme so hIgh? haha.. he is a miracle worker in my life noW. i like it whEn he consoLes me.. hAHa.. weLL.. he does not noe every word of his counts.. but.. it does.. reaLLy does.=)
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
weLL.. thInk he is busy.. he nv rePly me.. haiz.. why? i duNNo. feeLing dOWn doWn doWn.. haha.. wtH riTes.. haHa.. does it matter? yes.. it does. a Lot.
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
hAHa.. weLL.. agaIn.. i am onLine.. chaTting with hIm again... it became my daily rountine le.. cant sLp w/o talking to him.. must at least say hI.. haHa.. weird hUr? i dunNo.. but somehOw i thInk he wilL find me irritating. wad am i suppose to do? hAiz.. he is back to nORmal again. gOod. i feeL haPPy for hIm too. =)
thIS bLog is alL abT hIM. HIM and hIm.. i hoPE i geTS ouT of thIs. I wisH.
thIS bLog is alL abT hIM. HIM and hIm.. i hoPE i geTS ouT of thIs. I wisH.
haha.. just finiSh waTching WAn qUan yU lE.. so LAmE arh.. sHAn wEi and Ren fu just dRessEd up as bikini girLs. haHa.. LLL
yEAups.. bAck to mY owN ROom.. dOing my owN wOrk.. haVE to piA all the WAy thIs week cos next weEk starting sCh liao.. thiS hoLs seeMs so sHort.. dOing gP nOW.. checking meanings of wORds on net.. hAiz.. lIFe is just bORing.-.-
haiz. bORing aFternOon. yEA.*blEahx*
yEAups.. bAck to mY owN ROom.. dOing my owN wOrk.. haVE to piA all the WAy thIs week cos next weEk starting sCh liao.. thiS hoLs seeMs so sHort.. dOing gP nOW.. checking meanings of wORds on net.. hAiz.. lIFe is just bORing.-.-
haiz. bORing aFternOon. yEA.*blEahx*
hEh.. nv go to sch todAy..*yeaH* hAha.. but mY legGie is stiLL pain and swOlLen. haiz.. its raiNing. So sad siax. haHA.. cRazy mOOd again. hAHa..
I'm listening to JJCSB sYf set piece.. Tales of the sEa and choice pIece.. MUSIC FOR A FESTIVAL. hAha.. i am like so tOuched? wanNa cRy. so ji dAo.. i mean.. i prac for like 3wks like dat dEn go for competition liaox.. tot i cOuld not mAke it dAt time.. cos.. i am not a good player. haha.. weLL.. i am nOt ar.. sO din expect mUch.. but luckiLy.. we did it! *yeAh* its jusy liKe a dReam coMe tRue.. althOugh we oNLy managed to get a sLiver.. but i we stiLL imPRoved yar?! hEe.. I LOVE JJSCB! hAHa.. i am mAd.. but.. i love the peepx theRe!=))))))
I'm listening to JJCSB sYf set piece.. Tales of the sEa and choice pIece.. MUSIC FOR A FESTIVAL. hAha.. i am like so tOuched? wanNa cRy. so ji dAo.. i mean.. i prac for like 3wks like dat dEn go for competition liaox.. tot i cOuld not mAke it dAt time.. cos.. i am not a good player. haha.. weLL.. i am nOt ar.. sO din expect mUch.. but luckiLy.. we did it! *yeAh* its jusy liKe a dReam coMe tRue.. althOugh we oNLy managed to get a sLiver.. but i we stiLL imPRoved yar?! hEe.. I LOVE JJSCB! hAHa.. i am mAd.. but.. i love the peepx theRe!=))))))
hEhEy.. todAy nUtting mucH hapPen lar.. just go Fer tuitIOn aT BB. hHee. spEnt like 5 HRs on FORCES aLOne. cant beLieve it. hee. SO tired. chAt tiLl vEry latE at nIght yesterdAy ma. So haPPy dAt i cant sLp loHs.. hAHa.. i thInk i was smiLing myselF to sLp siA.. AHha.. Oh. \/\/
haha.. HAppY.
i sPrained my leg. hAis.. 1 week lE.. stIll like dat.. and its swoLLen. waIted FOr 2 hRs for dAt stuPid siNseh to 'twist' my leg back. haiz. stiLL as paiN.
HE toLD me to rest! haha. SO sweet. \/\/.. u wun underStand.
hAHha.. thInk i slD slP noW. mMx.. haha.. he is watching tV. hHa.. hoPe he haVE fuN and.. haHa.. i duNnO lar. fEeling is stILl so sTrong. haHA..
nIgHTs LM. hHa
haha.. HAppY.
i sPrained my leg. hAis.. 1 week lE.. stIll like dat.. and its swoLLen. waIted FOr 2 hRs for dAt stuPid siNseh to 'twist' my leg back. haiz. stiLL as paiN.
HE toLD me to rest! haha. SO sweet. \/\/.. u wun underStand.
hAHha.. thInk i slD slP noW. mMx.. haha.. he is watching tV. hHa.. hoPe he haVE fuN and.. haHa.. i duNnO lar. fEeling is stILl so sTrong. haHA..
nIgHTs LM. hHa
Monday, June 23, 2003
YES. We chatted. we luff. HE suAN me. i like the feeling. YES! i am fLying. i am trembling wHEn we chat. we.
i LOve the feeling. i Just do.
i LOve the feeling. i Just do.
oMg! after 3 dAYs.. he finaLLy rePlied me. HE REPLIED! haHA.. its laTe. i dun cARe. he rePlied. HE repLied. hE rePlied! haHAHA.. ok. he is stILL as bUsy. hE keep saying sorry to ME. sAying he is bUsy and cant replY me yesteday. hEe.
For no reasOn. hAHa..
HE rePlied.
For no reasOn. hAHa..
HE rePlied.
my kOR.. baBy face kOr.. haha.. hAk wei.. mMx.. read my bLog.. haHa.. and he say its aLrigHt to like pPle.. i am NOT YOUNG anymore.. hhaa.. he like OLDER dEn me lOhs?! hAHa.. ok.. he is gng to kiLL me whEn he read thIs?
HE is oNline.
-AWAY- is wad he wRoTe.
sad hUh? nO.. i am not.. i hoPe..
I pray dat he is finE. ReallY.. he mUst be.
OH. eNuff of hIm. I shAlL wang Le ta. wang ji ta. mmx. possiBle?
LalAla. i miss hIm.=)
HE is oNline.
-AWAY- is wad he wRoTe.
sad hUh? nO.. i am not.. i hoPe..
I pray dat he is finE. ReallY.. he mUst be.
OH. eNuff of hIm. I shAlL wang Le ta. wang ji ta. mmx. possiBle?
LalAla. i miss hIm.=)
Sunday, June 22, 2003
yeaups.. new pOst again! haha.. just chatted with jiayi.. hAHa.. my BELOVED jR in crescent lar.. haha.. sort of like a bLur quEen to me.. but in actual fact..she is not! hAH.. thOugh shE had being scolded by me.. i hOPe sHe noEs hOW to sit properLy liaox.. i am fierce.. yar.. towards ppLe i care.. cos i wan the best for dEm.. hAHah.. *to my friends->> dun woRry.. i care for u alL too..*
toDay.. i din do anYthing apart fRm my chinese creative writting.. so slack! LM.. wHy are u so dAmn slack! oMg.. i duNno why.. i cant do anything since hOls starts. dUnNo whY. *shRugs*
mY lEg stiLL hUrts.. 1 whole week of injured lEg.. not recovered yet.. just like hOW i meet u.. i hURt myself.. not weLL. U nOE? I bEt u dunNO.
LoVe huRts.
toDay.. i din do anYthing apart fRm my chinese creative writting.. so slack! LM.. wHy are u so dAmn slack! oMg.. i duNno why.. i cant do anything since hOls starts. dUnNo whY. *shRugs*
mY lEg stiLL hUrts.. 1 whole week of injured lEg.. not recovered yet.. just like hOW i meet u.. i hURt myself.. not weLL. U nOE? I bEt u dunNO.
LoVe huRts.
oH.. i see dat he is onLine!! haHa.. but slD i chaT with him? oR sLd i nOt? 2.5 days nv chat le.. haha.. i must be a fooL.. want to chat.. but duN dare tO chat.. contradicting man.. he is so sad for him.. why is he so unhappy? i dunnO.. i wish i knew.. but.. i wilL nv nOE.. cos we are just irc chat mates? or evEn.. just strangers. *sObs*.. this is not me.. this had nv happEn to me b4! whY.. why noW?
weLL.. i hate thE feeling.. why.. cos.. he wun nOE abt thIs. weLL.. wad can i dO to foRget abT u?! *fustratiOn*
weLL.. i am stuPid. YEs.. i am. i cant bRing myself to telL him dAt! wadeVEr yar? just soMe crushes. HAIZ.
I sing to U loRd
A hyMN of Love
For uR faithfuLlness to mE
I'm carried in everlasting arms
U nv let me go
weLL.. i hate thE feeling.. why.. cos.. he wun nOE abt thIs. weLL.. wad can i dO to foRget abT u?! *fustratiOn*
weLL.. i am stuPid. YEs.. i am. i cant bRing myself to telL him dAt! wadeVEr yar? just soMe crushes. HAIZ.
I sing to U loRd
A hyMN of Love
For uR faithfuLlness to mE
I'm carried in everlasting arms
U nv let me go
wAd a hOt hot afTErnOon..hEH.. wOke up at 11+.. hAHa.. so cooL.. ay.. tMl got tuition.. hAAHA.. 9am! oMg.. dUnNo hoW to sUrvivE.. hEh.. nVM.. my tutor is a dA hAo reN.. hEH.. waDeVEr.. today.. i am feeling bEttEr.. haha.. cos.. i nOE he wUn be onLIne nOW.. hAHHa.. yeaH! jOy's onLine.. hee.. asking me aBt hiM.. haHa.. ay.. long timE nv tAlk to her.. like 1 week and 1 dAy.. ahha.. lalala.. looking at tHE pics lar.. miss cRescEnt.. miss evEryoNE.. haiz.. dat jOCelYne arh.. talking cRap on main.. sIao char bO.. haHa.. hAIx..wads got into mE... i mean.. oH.. nVM.. i wiSh he KnEw.. bUt.. i nOE.. he wiLl nv nv nv nOe.
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.. neveR..*
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.. neveR..*
weLL.. last enTry of the dAy.. HE DIN REPLY! weLL.. i shall slp nOW and forget everything.. i am hungRy.. he will tell me to eat.. dun torture myself.. haHa.. so cUte huh.. yeah.. i wiLl take care of myself.. haha.. wadever lar.. i think too much le.. caNt helP it.. all my diary are abt him.. whEn can i stOp?! omG.. this is getting outta hanD.. weLL. today is 4s3 class chalet.. din go.. so bad.. haHA.. but i am tired ma.. i cant wait.. i need to sLp.. please repLy.. i nOE he wUn.. he wuN.. he wUN..
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.
weLL.. he din rePly me.. moSt prOb he is playing gamE bAh..usuaL lar.. bOys wad.. haha..wad got into me? 2 days nv talk to him le.. feeling.. emPty within me..wadEver.. i shall forgEt him.. haha.. yar.. like real.. haha.. i boUght a key chain todaY! wiNnie thE pooH~ hee.. so cuTe.. haha... i just realise something.. haha.. which i am totally shocked abt it.. haHa.. jade say dun be angry.. weLL.. i'm not.. not to wORRy.. just disappointed.. haix.. heng arh.. din watch the huLk.. haha.. wEnt chURch!! yeah!! so fuN! woOH~
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.. neveR..*
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.. neveR..*
i decidEd tO chaNge my bLog to diaryLanD and back to bLog again.. so these entries are frm diaryland!hAHha.. cos oF no reasON..haha.. LaMEs.. *bLEahs* YAr.. i wEnt foR baNd prac toDay.. and cHAnGed my saxo~ sO cOoL lEhs! hah.. wElL.. as usuaL.. i am super dOWn.. 1 whoLe week le.. since i saW him at thE coNCert.. i cant heLp but feeL more sad.. saddEr.. sinking deeper into the ocean.. w/o hIM kNOwing. hE wuN nOe.. fOrEvEr.. i hoPE.. my friEnds are teLling to gEt oUt of thIs.. hOW can i? LalalA.. singing to myseLf everydAY... tRying hard to foRget hiM.. bUt fINding it hard to.. hOW? heLP! i wannA cRy.. bUt i caNt.. its nOT woRth.. i tell myseLf.. bUT.. i duNnO.. why am i so stUpid to faLL for a gUy like hiM?! thIngs wiLL get beTTer i hOPe.. i reaLLy hOpe..........
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.. neveR..*
*i wish he kNew.. bUt i nOe. he will nv nv nv nOE abT it.. neveR..*