freako lingo rock!

Sunday, August 31, 2003

Yoshimi - "Happy Beauty"
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Saturday, August 30, 2003

hEh.. chAnGe mY tEmPLatE todAy.. dunNo wHy.. bUt feeL Like chAnging it. hEe.. thInk it loOks ok lar.. but.. stilL can imPrOve.. hAHAHA.. mOrning got bAnd prAc.. haha. AnD my ligatuRe went out of shApE=x i din do anYthing lohs.. but it just wEnt out of shape.. *sobs* anD the thing sOunded weIRd. haiz.. dunNo wHy..

Friday, August 29, 2003

hEe.. today ended sch at 930am... and i flew to the nearest shop to get chicken esscence for MRS LUCY TAN! hAha.. my all time fAve teacher in crescent. haiz.. the concert is so boring.. my god. dEn i went back crescent!!!! my my.. like the whole world is there! hEe.. sAw so manY pPle! Like JASLYN, JOY, PhILene, aMy, peiwEn, Lay tHeng, weiLIn, eLaine, JAnice! haha.. miss thEm u noe.. my goodness.. jaslyn's hair is like so damn long now! hAha.. nu da shi ba bian! haha. Lucy tAn is so cUte! wHEn i give her the chicken esscence, she was luffing~ and pple who noe her.. when she luff arh.. her whole body will shake violently dat kind.. haha.. so cute~ hEe.. din get the chance to talk to mR tAn. haiz.. too bad~ next time baH~ haHAha... LOVE CRESCENT!

MayBe i sLd nOt HaVe started liking U... this had hurt me so much~ haiz.. missing u day bY day.. tRying to forget u.. but i realise that its quite impossibLe?! haiz....................

Monday, August 25, 2003

Hehe.. kIndA lOok forwArd to this week? coS got lOng wkeNd to slAck? mY gOd. bUt wEd got chEm and maths test...hMm.. LOVE IT mAn.. wAdeVEr. sUcks. Went to JUrong Island today? its like so bOring? My God. i mean wads there to see there? So in the end.. we ended luffing there? hAha.. luff tilL my tcher have to tell us to lower down our volume? hAHa.. mAdness. AiYoh.. actually i wanted to donate bLood today? but its like i am stiLL on medication? So i cant donate? I'm like so sad... hAis.. so haFta wait for next yr baH.. hee.. my friend cRied b4 she even reg fror the bLood donation drive. haha.. but in the end.. she is the oNly bRave wArrior in my class ger.. haha.. dunno lar.. haiz..

Kinda hATe derek now.. sO act.. hAha got a nick for Him.. MOMO MONSTER. hAHAHAHAA.. haiz.. dUn ask me why.. my fRiend came up with it.. my goodness. hAAHa.. but.. he is dat irritating. ALways telling pple to use their brains. My mY.. its as if the whole world.. onLy he got brains.. hmm.. wadEver? eEks.

dUn leT him spoiL my dAy.. hAha.. Love my dAy.. though stiLL hAvE to study for the tests coming up.. hais.. lIfe goes on with YOU. hEee..

Sunday, August 24, 2003

hEhs.. chaNging mY bEdsHeet nOw.. SuNnY dAy Ma.. hAHa.. hot lehs.. but.. stiLl hAve to Do it rItes!? hAh... oKie.. thE wEek is gD lar... wEnt cHinese garden to do cip? anD sAw the fIRewOrks. OOOs.. So cool! hEe.. hOW i wIsh YOU were tHere with mE? hAHA.. OKie.. drEAming dREAming.. yArs.. dEn sAw nick sHen And Jamie teO! ANd JAmIe is so PRETTY! hAHa.. took pic with her And shE siGnEd on my hP cover?! ahaha.. yar.. we are a bunch of 7 lil gers.. chasing after stars.. hAHa.. *thRow fAce*

i dunNo wHy.. bUt feelings do get erractic sometimes? Someone ask me whether my feelings for HIM hAve fade.. hmm.. i guess not? its Getting stronger.. iRonically.. i miss u so much.. even my mSn nick says so.. but.. he will not noe.. cos he din noe anything at all? Trying hard to 4get a person is hard though.. guess it takes time.. but he havE already have a place in my heart.. Always.

hAh.. Regina ask me whether i will fall for another guy if i already someone.. hmm.. thinking of it.. i cant? serious? hAha.. yar.. i cAnt.. cos.. its so diffcult? but.. i think there is someone special in my life now? I dUnno wad he thInks lar.. Er.. dUn misunderstand.. its not wAncai. hAha.. eRr.. finally i put his name is my blog... guess its not a secret anymore? hE will noe in time to come.. but not now. hAha..yar.. come back to wad i was talking.. yeAups.. SOMEONE. okie.. i am mad though.. mAybe i am just zi zuo duo qin? hAhaha...Haiz.. i dUnno.. But hE is another one whu have someone is mind.. Hmm.. i really wonder wHy i always fall for those guys whu have someone in mind liAo.. hahahz.. okie.. hAha.. need to sort out my feelings at this moment? haiz.. serious pRob mAn.. wTh. hMm.. oKie.. dun guess.. duN ask me whus the guy.. cos i wun tell U.. hAHAHAa.. if everything goes well.. i will tell u again? haHAHAHa ;)

Monday, August 18, 2003

haha... just wan to sHare this quote i see on the postcard my jie had given me? its quite inspiration-al.. Aha.. got dat word not? HAHa.. dUn cAre lar.. whu cares.. ok.. it goes like this..

Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see the light.

okie.. this is dedicated to pple whu have lose faith already.. no matter is in relationship or work or sch.. just wan to let u noe.. believe in yourself and u can do it. Dun lose the faith u have in the past ok? LM loves u all and i noe u all can do it too! -smiles-

Okie.. this is written for YOU. Ok.. thOugh i noe YOU wun read it.. but well.. its my blog.. i will write wadever i wan yeah? hAha.. really thank u for lightening up my life when it is the valley of my life. tHank yOu.. i nOE u will bE busy.. and we wun have the chance to talk le.. so will ya just take care and dun fall sick. I will be praying for u k? -smiles-

Sunday, August 17, 2003

yEs i nOE.. LifE sLd go oN eVen if i faIL mY CT noW. wth. i realLy diD pUt in The eFForts go sTudy.. bUt all thE timE my results will End uP a F. OK. VeRy Gd. i DuNNo wad To dO le. sErioUsLy. mAyBe i ReaLLy hAd cHOsEn thE wRoNg pAth to go. PTM really realLy realLy sUck? my gOd. aLL thE tcHers SAy dAt i Am so quiet. hmm.. like as if i am arhz.. bUt wHen i HAvE nUTting to ask thEm.. wad dO thEy waN mE to asK! i mean.. wTh.. AzMi can sAY i pLay a fooL in his tut class.. vEry fUnNy. i dun evEn cOpy hW lOhs. okok.. mAyBe soMEtiMes.. bUt.. i listen to hIm whEn he talk wad. PlAY A FOOL. yar. sHall start to plAy a fooL LOhs. hAIz.. lifE is gEtTing tOugh.. shIt MAn.. i dunno lar.. mY pArents told me to consider poLy le.. mAybE i sLd hAd put poLy as My 1st choice lar... den i nO nitto suffer so much in sch.. dEn i wuN mEet YOU! tmD. ok. thIs is gETting nO where. sHouLd i stOp? u bEtter telL mE. i wilL die. yEs i will.... bUT i thInk.. eVEn if i do.. u wun noe.. cos U dUnNo i am talking aBt u. oKok... gEtting out of hAnd. suffering frm so internal conflict within myself.. whY is thIS hapPening to mE. WhY! i tot lIfe is fUlL oF chOices.. but whY do i alWays choose the WRong thIng to dO! wtH. i hAtE mYself. i hAtE mYselF. yEs.. i really Do.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

hAha.. i dUnno whY.. but HE is extremely high today? i dUnno? hahaz.. dUn ask me.. cos i am too? hAhahaha..wadEver lar... recorded some online thingy for 3 hrs.. wah.. my eyes gng bLind soon.. hahaz..

oKie.. shall bLog longEr next time? hAha.. got lotsa things to say.. but i am not in the mood to type.. haha..

~* RainBow*~

Sunday, August 10, 2003

ok.. fiNalLy i am hOme fRm a lil break at my gRAndmA's pLace. hee.. nOt bad lar.. cooked lotsA food.. hEe.. aNnuAl thingy.. yEaUpsz.. so i tRied to eNjOy lohs. hAha.. seLf-consOling.. wHAhaz..

I tRied to sTuDy phY nOW? IdEAL GAs? hAHa.. tHinK mR MAk must Be sO pRoud oF ME loHs.. hAhaz.. cos he is the 1st pHy lecturer to let me have the interest to study b4 hand. hAhaz.. nAh.. dUn gEt the wRong ideA.. not cos i like hIm or Wad... but think he is the onLy lecturer.. i mean PHY lecturer whu cAn MakE it.. yAy.. i saw a gLimpse of HoPe for JJ pHy lar.. hahahz... i am seRious mAn..

JocE bDAe coming lEhs.. hAhaz.. oN TUEs.. i thInk... hAha.. asking her beloved wad hE will BE gEtting FoR HEr.. hAha.. tRying to bE irritating.. cos i Noe lE.. hAhahaz.. OPps.. so meAn.. bUt.. fun! hAHA.. dun cAre.. sHALL coNt to bE irritatiNg~ hAHAHAHHAz..

u R thE rAinBow OF MY |ife...[i Miss U.]

Friday, August 08, 2003

hEe.. nAtionAl dAy eVe. YEaUpz. 45 Min to SingApORe's bDae!!! hEe.. u mUst bE tHinking I am MAd.. bUT dUnNo why.. i am so excited abt it?! hAhz.. ToDay wEnt to sCh and sLack arhz.. wAlkatOn.. sing song.. lucky draw... slack in the gym room.. haha.. so hot lohs.. whahahz.. went home at 12. haha.. went to see doc AGAIN. WTH. my MUm force me to go one.. cos my cough is not Ok yET. hAiz.. change medicine.. haha.. make me more sleepy.. haiz.. eeKs. MEDICINE. My God.

haha.. suppose to go church tOday oNe? but in de end i din.. so bad.. but was really feeling kinda sick ma.. haiz.. so ended watching service onLine. -diaoz- i tried to do my maths tut lehs.. but i got stuck at my 1st quest le.. its on 3D trigo.. ee.. nv like dat.. yucks.

jAy cHou just roCk my life.. hee.. his new cd is totally cool man! hAHz.. esp.. san nian er ban. WAH! SO DAMN NICE! hahaz.. well.. i am mad.

*~ rAinBOw is dEre.. [pReTty yEt far]

Thursday, August 07, 2003

hEy.. tMl is natioNal dAy Eve.. hee.. happiLy arh.. doing GP essay now.. so heng arh.. kena chose by ms Yap to do a class essay.. haiz.. such luck.. doing it now.. WtH.

WuN be at hOme during weekend.. haIz.. will be at grandMa's hse.. helping out.. err.. deprive me of my internet.. haiz.. wadeVEr...

wEnt to phy lOhs.. think its a waste of time.. but still have to go ma... or else will get into trouble or something? hAHAz.. MR Yong leh.. ee.. kinda hate him now. haiz.. mR mAk is so much bEtter. ARH~ JJC PHY TCHER CMI LAR!

*~ HaPPY bIrthDAy to SINGAPORE!~*

Monday, August 04, 2003

hAhaz... got mC for 2 and tml.. haiz.. will be missing 3 tests.. *bLeaHz* wiLl have a wonderful time taking tests when i go back. hee.. yeaupz.. stayed at home to revise hw? haIz... so sian.. ate the medicine.. feeling drowsy.. but i din slp lehs.. hahz.. keep myself awake lohs.. MIND RULES OVER EVERYTHING.. yeah.. he say so.. must listen~ hahz.. dUmB.

*yAwN* nOT in tHE mOod to bLog.. feeling like zOmbie.. came here just to chat with hIm.. but yar.. he is away lar.. pRob stUdyiNg lohs.. bEtter dUn disTuB hIm. hEe..

~*5 mORe dAys to nAtIonaL dAy*~

Saturday, August 02, 2003

yeAHz.. wEnt fOR maths lect at 730am in de mOrNing. keke.. was listening to 3D things.. bleahz.. so sick.. dun understand. haha.. after went for band.. wahaha.. and i realise dat they gave out the piece call... SEVENTH NIGHT OF JULY. Mmmx.. so farmiliar arhz.. dUnno whu play b4 arhz.. hahahz. i must be crazy.. but heard dat.. today when the band played.. mao dUn wan the band to play liao? sad lehs.. cos i haven even play with the fulL band YET. DIAO! Looking forward lohs..den dEy say not playing le.. den no pt prac dat solo wad. haiz.. sian diaOz.. cant play den must prac ma.. aye.. dunno wad dey thinking lar. Am not angry with thEm lar.. i noe why dEy dun wan to play dat piece.. cos we dun have enuff pple.. this kinda song nit a big band sound lar. haiz..

yeaupz.. nitto rush lotsa things this weekend.. bleahz.. kinda bz.. hee.. dunno lar.. think i can't cope well with cca and sch work.. hah.. though band is slack one? hAHaz..

*7 days to NATIONAL dAy!*

Friday, August 01, 2003

hAHaz.. din go to sch.. but i think quite a lot happen in sch today? hahz.. duNno lar.. heard frm my friend dat i have to stay back for phy everyday at 515pm? dis is so sick? its as though i only take phy in sch.. best.. hate YONG. he suck. sUck big time.

bOught JAY's latest CD.. YE HUI MEI. Damn nice.. though some pple cant accept his style. but i like it.. esp his slow music.. his singing improve a lot. yeahz.. hahz..SO COOL! hahz. in the MV.. he act. Wahaz.. sO nicE! hE rocks!

hee... i am not getting any better.. so sick now.. having cough now.. *bleahz* haiz.. tml still got flag day.. so sian.. haiz.. life so miserable. dAmmit.

argG.. hate it.. hate myself. hate sch.. hate everything. haiz. Pms. wAdever.