Aye.. just now at cafe~ saw momo monster and oily stuff~ hahah! think there is something gng on bw them.. seriously.. i think they have jian qin~ hahah! aye.. noe i kpo lar.. but hurhur.. the most disgusting pair of the season.. haiz.. tired.. shall slp now..
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
*yAwN*.. think i shall slp after i blog? thOugh i still have lotsa chem quest haven do lar.. but was VERY tired.. went to cafe to study with wt, km, joce and weiqi~ haha~ was luffing till peng dERe~ huRhuR.. cos km lar~ hahh~ hAiz.. actually felt quite bad lar.. cos we bluff xm we are nt gng to study.. cos if she go.. we will have no peace.. hoho.. Aye.. den i think after promos i will treat wt to lunch or something? cos he taught me quite a lot.. phy chem math.. wah.. almost became my personal tutor.. except its foc? haiz.. den he always nv finish his stuff cos i will be disturbing him with questions.. hah~ sorry? haha~ cos i think i seriously nit help.. tml will be gng to study again.. hope to clear as much doubts as possible~ hehe~
Aye.. just now at cafe~ saw momo monster and oily stuff~ hahah! think there is something gng on bw them.. seriously.. i think they have jian qin~ hahah! aye.. noe i kpo lar.. but hurhur.. the most disgusting pair of the season.. haiz.. tired.. shall slp now..
Aye.. just now at cafe~ saw momo monster and oily stuff~ hahah! think there is something gng on bw them.. seriously.. i think they have jian qin~ hahah! aye.. noe i kpo lar.. but hurhur.. the most disgusting pair of the season.. haiz.. tired.. shall slp now..
Monday, September 29, 2003
todAy's Monday.. hoho 5days to promos.. so fun.. tml i will be getting back my gp CT3? and ms yap says dat we din do v.well.. oh man.. and i think i failed it? cos i noe it lar.. how can i pass it with a limited knowledge of english rite? hEe.. waadEeRvVerr.. duN wan to care abt it~ wad matters is PROMOS bah.. but nah.. promos got figurative lang... and i wonder wad the hell is dat.
WEll.. today we went to Lt5 for civics to have dialogue with balding koh.. and freak him.. cos mdm goh release us late? so we went to the lt late?! so of cos.. dere is nt much seats dere.. and in the end.. s16 sat on the floor lar.. common sense rite?! den he dunno wad happen.. menopause i suppose.. starting to comment on our attitude lar.. and dressing lar.. and blah blah blah.. den he was like.. " i dun understand why... some of u choose to sit on the floor when dere are so many seats available? trying to act cool?" my gOd?! its like implying to me and shumin? cos we were sitting the front 2? So angry. the whole sch was like luffing! freak him man. den in the end.. we din have time for chem lect.. wth.. and mr chua was so angry... but he cant show? cos balding koh is the principle. wth.
hmm.. heard that my class guys are ponning tml? and i dun mind?! haha! cos w/o them.. life will be so much happier except that oily stuff and printer will be deRe.. haiz.. pollute the whole s16. i dunno why.. but.. wadEver.
*LifE Love mE. I LoVe LifE!*
WEll.. today we went to Lt5 for civics to have dialogue with balding koh.. and freak him.. cos mdm goh release us late? so we went to the lt late?! so of cos.. dere is nt much seats dere.. and in the end.. s16 sat on the floor lar.. common sense rite?! den he dunno wad happen.. menopause i suppose.. starting to comment on our attitude lar.. and dressing lar.. and blah blah blah.. den he was like.. " i dun understand why... some of u choose to sit on the floor when dere are so many seats available? trying to act cool?" my gOd?! its like implying to me and shumin? cos we were sitting the front 2? So angry. the whole sch was like luffing! freak him man. den in the end.. we din have time for chem lect.. wth.. and mr chua was so angry... but he cant show? cos balding koh is the principle. wth.
hmm.. heard that my class guys are ponning tml? and i dun mind?! haha! cos w/o them.. life will be so much happier except that oily stuff and printer will be deRe.. haiz.. pollute the whole s16. i dunno why.. but.. wadEver.
*LifE Love mE. I LoVe LifE!*
Sunday, September 28, 2003
hEh.. was feeling hungry.. hmm.. decided not to eat.. cos i am gng to slp soon.. later will suffer frm indigestion.. hehe... Did my maths TYs.. n i realise dat actually i can do lots of quest.. hm.. but of cos still have so doubts lar.. but overall.. quite statisfying? heh.. esp for differtiation.. but i am still blur abt rate of change and stuff.. hmm.. have to prac more!
was talking to wancai just now.. somehow.. his words got a big impact on me? and i guess he is the only person who can make me regain my confidence? ok lar..cos i was feeling v.lousy abt promos... den was talking to him.. yEps.. yar..HE was saying something like YOU CAN DO IT.. and now.. i think i can really get down to work w/o thinking too much.. cos for the past few days i am worrying abt promos? LIke i will get retain and stuff.. hmm.. i can do it~ hah~ cRap. but tHanks aNywAy.. hah~ nAh.. he wun see this bLog lOh..wads the pt! hAHaz(",)
haiz.. tml i wanted to pon sch one? but got chem make up lesson.. hm.. decided to be guai and go sch~ hah~ yEps.. thats all man~ pRePare foR pRoMos!
was talking to wancai just now.. somehow.. his words got a big impact on me? and i guess he is the only person who can make me regain my confidence? ok lar..cos i was feeling v.lousy abt promos... den was talking to him.. yEps.. yar..HE was saying something like YOU CAN DO IT.. and now.. i think i can really get down to work w/o thinking too much.. cos for the past few days i am worrying abt promos? LIke i will get retain and stuff.. hmm.. i can do it~ hah~ cRap. but tHanks aNywAy.. hah~ nAh.. he wun see this bLog lOh..wads the pt! hAHaz(",)
haiz.. tml i wanted to pon sch one? but got chem make up lesson.. hm.. decided to be guai and go sch~ hah~ yEps.. thats all man~ pRePare foR pRoMos!

You're Most Like The Season Spring ...
Fresh faced, with a young outlook on life - you
smile at the world and expect it to smile back
at you. You're mostly a bubbly, fun - innocent
person. Described as cute possibly. However,
you're a little naive about things and tend to
be a little too trustworthy.
As the first season, It Makes you the youngest -
and so most immature - but people are inclined
to look out for and protect you.
Well done... You're the most fun of the seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
heHe.. its sunday~ 5days to prOmOs~ wahha! so Fun~ -.- kk.. enuff crAp.. decided to study my phy~ hUrmp.. but it just seems dat i cant get anything into my mind~ dammit.. hurhUr.. Oh~ cRescent was ranked 16th this year.. beat VICTORIA and CAT HIgh And AHS?! hahah~ happy!!! but the mean L1R5 is 13.1.. and last yr was 12.8.. heh.. nvm.. ranking dat counts! wahhaaz.. fitness also got top5?! haha! GirL sch POWER! hohO~ beat thOse bOy sch?! hehe~ zeng diu lian! hahz.. paiseH~
keke.. was having pms yesterday i think?! dUnno why.. but i just 'scream' at WT?! hah~ paiseh lar.. cos i also dunno why lar.... super moody yest. but ts ok after i screamed at him?! hahah! Chu Qi toNg lar.. whah.. but nvm.. think he din mind~ haHah! Cos he also grumble to me everytime~ hEhe..
was talking to MF.. err.. *joce.. if u happen to read this.. hah~ nvm*
MF: hOw did U noe him?
LM: Hmm.. cos of BAnd.. saxo~ bLAh bLAh..
MF: dEn wad did u like abt him?
LM:hmm.. i also dunnO?
MF: Nvm lar.. he J1 rite? still got chance...
Lm: HE is J2 loh.. -.-
MF: Oh.. dats bad...
hmm.. Wancai is j2 wor.. haha~ dat means no chance le.. whaha~ nvm.. FriEnds for LiFe.. i'm thinking too much. wadever.. beIng fRiends are bEtter~ *wiNkz*
keke.. was having pms yesterday i think?! dUnno why.. but i just 'scream' at WT?! hah~ paiseh lar.. cos i also dunno why lar.... super moody yest. but ts ok after i screamed at him?! hahah! Chu Qi toNg lar.. whah.. but nvm.. think he din mind~ haHah! Cos he also grumble to me everytime~ hEhe..
was talking to MF.. err.. *joce.. if u happen to read this.. hah~ nvm*
MF: hOw did U noe him?
LM: Hmm.. cos of BAnd.. saxo~ bLAh bLAh..
MF: dEn wad did u like abt him?
LM:hmm.. i also dunnO?
MF: Nvm lar.. he J1 rite? still got chance...
Lm: HE is J2 loh.. -.-
MF: Oh.. dats bad...
hmm.. Wancai is j2 wor.. haha~ dat means no chance le.. whaha~ nvm.. FriEnds for LiFe.. i'm thinking too much. wadever.. beIng fRiends are bEtter~ *wiNkz*
Friday, September 26, 2003
*yAwn*.. was a super tired dAy toDAY~ mOrniNg i skipped PE.. heh~ was coughing v.badly.. so decided nt to risk my precious life~ haha~ but was feeling quite bad abt it?! heHe... but nvm.. its oVEr~ bLAhz bLAh.. super sian~ hAiz~ bACk to pHy lEct~ nt to day Mr kwok is no gd~ but.. hahha! was super boring bAh.. hai~ hE say dAt E-field will only have 2 quest coming out for MCQ.. haha.. dat means.. I AM NT STUDYING DAT CHAPT. haha! no lar.. but i wun really study dat chapt.. hmm.. den the 3 long quest will be on DYNAMICS, IDEAL GAS+tHeRmodYnAmIc ANd Circular Motion+ G-field. Yucks?! haha~ i hate dynamics!? dAmmit.. gonna study hard for dat~
hah~ Mr Yong told us hE wun be our PHY teacher next yr.. think he is getting a promotion.. i think he is gng to be VP for some sec sch or something~ hahh! was feeling VERY happy.. cos no nitto see his face next yr.. provided dat i get promoted lar.. den.. My class was YAY-Ing so lOudly?! haha~ think actually his mood quite good one? dEn after dat he became v.bad mood... hah! i mean.. I NEVER NEVER like him as a tcher.. better still.. i wish he faster go?! hAHAH! DEn he was saying either our phy tcher will be MDm chee(Yucks) Or MR pANg(EVEN YUCKS!!!!) or Mr chin.. haha~ Yong SAy mR Chin is the oldest phy tcher here.. hmm.. i guess the oldest is the best?! hAHa~ duNNo~ bUt yAy! MR YONG WILL BE GONE!!!!! Dun Like him. bLAh bLAh.
i really dun like ham ji bang. hUrmps.. fLat face fLAt body~ hmm.. yucks.. no originality.. parrot lohs.. copycat.. today she aTE the same thing as me for lunch today... HURmP! sucha bItch man. SHE+pRinter make a pair of a**holes. hUMrps.. dun like. Dun LikE!!!!! hEll mAn.
I haven start on my maths rev AT ALL. HAi.. one more wk to promos.. hAi.. so gonna fail it.. hoW? cAnt find anymore time to rev my maths.. dunno how.. hAiz~ tiAn arhz~~~~~
~*|ifE is FUn!*~
hah~ Mr Yong told us hE wun be our PHY teacher next yr.. think he is getting a promotion.. i think he is gng to be VP for some sec sch or something~ hahh! was feeling VERY happy.. cos no nitto see his face next yr.. provided dat i get promoted lar.. den.. My class was YAY-Ing so lOudly?! haha~ think actually his mood quite good one? dEn after dat he became v.bad mood... hah! i mean.. I NEVER NEVER like him as a tcher.. better still.. i wish he faster go?! hAHAH! DEn he was saying either our phy tcher will be MDm chee(Yucks) Or MR pANg(EVEN YUCKS!!!!) or Mr chin.. haha~ Yong SAy mR Chin is the oldest phy tcher here.. hmm.. i guess the oldest is the best?! hAHa~ duNNo~ bUt yAy! MR YONG WILL BE GONE!!!!! Dun Like him. bLAh bLAh.
i really dun like ham ji bang. hUrmps.. fLat face fLAt body~ hmm.. yucks.. no originality.. parrot lohs.. copycat.. today she aTE the same thing as me for lunch today... HURmP! sucha bItch man. SHE+pRinter make a pair of a**holes. hUMrps.. dun like. Dun LikE!!!!! hEll mAn.
I haven start on my maths rev AT ALL. HAi.. one more wk to promos.. hAi.. so gonna fail it.. hoW? cAnt find anymore time to rev my maths.. dunno how.. hAiz~ tiAn arhz~~~~~
~*|ifE is FUn!*~
Thursday, September 25, 2003
hEhe~ toDAy was rAining the whple day! sO cold... hEh.. but nice lar.. hmm.. realise i cant conc on lectures anymore.. esp phy? cos E-field only tested in mcq.. so..hah~ brain is a bit shut off le.. hah~ bad ger.. but who cares...
aye.. was in com lab for pw... hah~ playing yahoo graffiti.. hahh~ siaoz~ but v.fun! hee.. dat LuPenG arh.. dAmn her! sUcha hypocrite lohs.. tmD. wTh.. saying things dat are nt true.. wan to lie also dunno how to lie.. she think she suck up to those guys v.big arh.. my class dun nit the gUys+3 ederts... 0316 class politics.. wth. My class just sucks lar.. nt as if we din make the efforts to stay as a class... but SOME pple just dun appreciate.. so just forget it. i am tired of these and i hate it.. my class sucks like hell.
tml got chem assignment on organic chem~ haha~ can die.. TIPS: learn hOW to dRAw.. dEN got isomers.. chiral C-atoms.. reaction- addition, substitution, elimination. hah~ GD luck to mYself mAn~ hahah! bUt i hope i wun forget the functional gRps and all.. heh~
~* u hAve to appreciate |ifE if u wan |ifE to apPreciAte u*~
aye.. was in com lab for pw... hah~ playing yahoo graffiti.. hahh~ siaoz~ but v.fun! hee.. dat LuPenG arh.. dAmn her! sUcha hypocrite lohs.. tmD. wTh.. saying things dat are nt true.. wan to lie also dunno how to lie.. she think she suck up to those guys v.big arh.. my class dun nit the gUys+3 ederts... 0316 class politics.. wth. My class just sucks lar.. nt as if we din make the efforts to stay as a class... but SOME pple just dun appreciate.. so just forget it. i am tired of these and i hate it.. my class sucks like hell.
tml got chem assignment on organic chem~ haha~ can die.. TIPS: learn hOW to dRAw.. dEN got isomers.. chiral C-atoms.. reaction- addition, substitution, elimination. hah~ GD luck to mYself mAn~ hahah! bUt i hope i wun forget the functional gRps and all.. heh~
~* u hAve to appreciate |ifE if u wan |ifE to apPreciAte u*~
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
oH well~ tOday sCh enDed at 1.30pm.. hAh~ so nice? Wed dun end so early cos got bAnd.. hah~ nAn de can go home so early.. heh.. cAme home to complete my chinese compo. i think i wrote out of point.. and dat wiTch is so gonna fail me. dammit.. only got 62.5/100 for chinese.. so poor lohs.. not even a B3.. dunno how am i gng to do for AO chinese at the end of the year.. bUt yEah.. dun care first.. promos is the most impt..
hahAH~ aCtually i wanted to go KAP to study one? but Shumin lar.. say she nt gng.. den in the end.. i din go.. so i came home.. haha~ and went online to listen to David Tao's song? And its super nice?! ahhh~ though i dun like him.. but his songs are nice... hah~ Songs like.. I LOVE U.. is chao hao ting! hEHe...
Yeah.. was chatting with Wancai just now.. and told me he din go sch today~ haha~ lazy boy.. but he went to woodlands library to study.. and so qiao.. i was telling eLiz dat he always go there to study~ hah~ and tAdA! He was dEre today~ haha~ nUTs~ Was complaining to him abt my compo~ hahha~ think we have lots of things in common lar.. but hmm.. dun anyOhow think lar.. FRIENDS foR Life!
ARgh.. dunno wad sld i sTudy leh.. maths also haven start.. hmm.. think i sld start doing my maths assignment.. den study my organic chem~ hEh.. i had it all plan out k.. and i hOPE eVEryThing goEs well with pLan.. and i wan to do well for promos! haha!
~*sAx0pHoNe rOcks mY |ife.. anD its sAx0pHoNe dAt bRing mE to u. I lOvE sAx0pHoNe. I LoVE u. i loVe bANd. I lOvE.....*~
hahAH~ aCtually i wanted to go KAP to study one? but Shumin lar.. say she nt gng.. den in the end.. i din go.. so i came home.. haha~ and went online to listen to David Tao's song? And its super nice?! ahhh~ though i dun like him.. but his songs are nice... hah~ Songs like.. I LOVE U.. is chao hao ting! hEHe...
Yeah.. was chatting with Wancai just now.. and told me he din go sch today~ haha~ lazy boy.. but he went to woodlands library to study.. and so qiao.. i was telling eLiz dat he always go there to study~ hah~ and tAdA! He was dEre today~ haha~ nUTs~ Was complaining to him abt my compo~ hahha~ think we have lots of things in common lar.. but hmm.. dun anyOhow think lar.. FRIENDS foR Life!
ARgh.. dunno wad sld i sTudy leh.. maths also haven start.. hmm.. think i sld start doing my maths assignment.. den study my organic chem~ hEh.. i had it all plan out k.. and i hOPE eVEryThing goEs well with pLan.. and i wan to do well for promos! haha!
~*sAx0pHoNe rOcks mY |ife.. anD its sAx0pHoNe dAt bRing mE to u. I lOvE sAx0pHoNe. I LoVE u. i loVe bANd. I lOvE.....*~
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
hAiz.. seriously i dunno wads happening to me.. gng to fall sick again.. when i jus recovered frm the flu.. haiz... too much stress le.. coughing like nv b4.. ha|z.. wads happening man.. the world is getting erm.. unpredictable..
hAha~ think my comp something wrong le? keep hanging.. all bcos of those stupid pop ups advertisment?! So stupid.. den my msn got hanged when wancai was chatting with me?! Grr.. angry.. but nvm..
10 more days to PROMOS and i hate the feeling? my god. if i cant do well.. i also dunno how? everything is like halfway in the air? No confident at all k.. dunno lar.. if i ever get retain.. i will go poly.. but the thing i cant let go is BAND? i love the band more den anything? haiz.. wTh.. better dUn think so much now~ huRhur.. shall study hard!!!!!
~*LoVe mAke things beaUt|ful.. thEy add co|ours to |ifE!*~
hAha~ think my comp something wrong le? keep hanging.. all bcos of those stupid pop ups advertisment?! So stupid.. den my msn got hanged when wancai was chatting with me?! Grr.. angry.. but nvm..
10 more days to PROMOS and i hate the feeling? my god. if i cant do well.. i also dunno how? everything is like halfway in the air? No confident at all k.. dunno lar.. if i ever get retain.. i will go poly.. but the thing i cant let go is BAND? i love the band more den anything? haiz.. wTh.. better dUn think so much now~ huRhur.. shall study hard!!!!!
~*LoVe mAke things beaUt|ful.. thEy add co|ours to |ifE!*~
Sunday, September 21, 2003
hai~ doing pw again.. nv ending one lohs.. wth.. haha~ finally done with it,.. den i realise all along i had put the wrong website in my draft?! hAha! luckily i discovered it? OR else.. hahah~ dunno wad will happen.
hEH~ i finish my chem bond rev mcq?~ HAhah! 1st cHap man~ hAHA~ actually today i have nutting to add in.. hah~ talk to wancai.. heh.. and he is ironing his clothes.. hah~ tot guYs wun iron clothes one.. hahah~ well.. he is the 1st guy i noe who iron his own clothes? So proud of him?! hAHAHah~ nUts~
hEH~ i finish my chem bond rev mcq?~ HAhah! 1st cHap man~ hAHA~ actually today i have nutting to add in.. hah~ talk to wancai.. heh.. and he is ironing his clothes.. hah~ tot guYs wun iron clothes one.. hahah~ well.. he is the 1st guy i noe who iron his own clothes? So proud of him?! hAHAHah~ nUts~
Saturday, September 20, 2003
yEAUpz.. hAd cHinese this mORning.. and i think its ok? bUt the sUmmary is V.difficult.. hope i can pass it~ hah~ it rained and rained today.. after the tEst.. wanted to go KAP to study with Wenting? bUt it rAined?! hah~ so waited for like 1.5 hrs b4 the rain gets smaller... in de enD.. went to play PEPSI COLA 123 with my class GErs?! hahah~ dEpRiVed ChildhOod lar.. hah~ dEn after playIng.. Went dERe wIth Him and kit mUn.. and my shoes got soak?! Cos the road there is flooded.. my GOd.. later Monday no shoes to wear.. haahh! stUdy chEm.. eRp.. moRe like telling LAME jokes.. hah~ bEen mORe Lame den eVEr. hahha~ dEn Jeremy joined us later.. bUt left again~ hahh~ mEeting his friend.. hahh~ hah~ lEarnt soMethiNg nEw today~.. leARn dAt the electrons must be filled SINGLY 1st.. before gng the 2nd round. hahh! WT nearly fainted when i told him i din noe abt dat~ hahaha~ So soRry?! haha~ chEm is CMI.. wHAHA
Doing BiBlo for PW.. and its like.. irritating? cos no author no sai..den have to go one by one to look for it.. haIz.. wTh. sian of it.. nO liFe. finally dOne with it.. but still got 1 wEb cannot find~ haha! dUn care liao~ wdevEr lar..
~* RaiNiNg rAinIng.. coLd cOld.. dreNchEd*~
Doing BiBlo for PW.. and its like.. irritating? cos no author no sai..den have to go one by one to look for it.. haIz.. wTh. sian of it.. nO liFe. finally dOne with it.. but still got 1 wEb cannot find~ haha! dUn care liao~ wdevEr lar..
~* RaiNiNg rAinIng.. coLd cOld.. dreNchEd*~
Friday, September 19, 2003
hEhs.. tmL got chinese test. 730-9am. Siao diaoz. So early. In hall.. confirm cold to death. dAmmIt. I hate chInese tEsT. So bo liaoz. cOnfIrm the words all dUnno how to wriTe one lohs. hAIz...
Hmm.. The dAy Went on fine.. got bAck my pHy test... and as usual.. FAILED. 8/25. CAn pass one lohs.. made a lot of stupid mistakes.. can forget the formula also. dAmmit. SOrry wEnting? WAsted ure effOrt again.. haiz..
*angel-->> hEys hEys.. evErything is fine for lil boy... yeAupz.. shall tell u more when i see u.. but as for now.. study hard k??? Jia You!
Hmm.. The dAy Went on fine.. got bAck my pHy test... and as usual.. FAILED. 8/25. CAn pass one lohs.. made a lot of stupid mistakes.. can forget the formula also. dAmmit. SOrry wEnting? WAsted ure effOrt again.. haiz..
*angel-->> hEys hEys.. evErything is fine for lil boy... yeAupz.. shall tell u more when i see u.. but as for now.. study hard k??? Jia You!
Thursday, September 18, 2003
hahA.. wAs in cOm lAb fOR pW. iN dE enD.. did nUtting At all.. was playing game wiTh Xing hE and was cRapping with sHumin. hAhz.. dIstURbing hEr while sHE is tRying to bLog*bLEaHz*.. hAHz.. sEe dAt he is onLine buT is aWay lar.. dEn shUmin was scolding me.. sAying dAT i had nv forGottEn aBt him.. buT if i were to foRgEt him in sUcha shOrt time.. iTs weIRd... cos 9+mThs of liking.. haiz.. tAkes tiMe bAh... hoPing dAt hE will tReat me likE a fRiEnd afTer all.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
hEhs.. was sick yesterday.. on mC.. haiz.. keep falling sick arh.. must be love sick.. hahh~ wad nonsense. Today had Phy TEst and it sUck big time. the 2nd page.. everything wrong? my god. dunno wad am i doing also... haiz.. and dat Yong will kill me for sure. hURmp. I did study. Its just dat i dunno how to apply wad i had learnt.. haiz.. maths mock.. hahah~ turn out to be the promos paper for 2001.. and so it happened that i had photocopied the paper and done it??! hahahaz~ so qiao~ den i think its ok lar.. some dunno how to do.. *bleahZ*
Tink i really having PMS nowadays.. but.. i also dunno why.. tRying nt to think of him so much.. keeping myself bz nowadays with of cos.. REVISION. hAha~ but.. in the night.. hard to fall asleep.. haiz... tRy nt to miss him.. but i still did.. hOpelEss.. bLahz.
~*hOpelEss case. JuMpiNg kIckIng and luffIng may sEems to bE ME.. bUt its nT*~
Tink i really having PMS nowadays.. but.. i also dunno why.. tRying nt to think of him so much.. keeping myself bz nowadays with of cos.. REVISION. hAha~ but.. in the night.. hard to fall asleep.. haiz... tRy nt to miss him.. but i still did.. hOpelEss.. bLahz.
~*hOpelEss case. JuMpiNg kIckIng and luffIng may sEems to bE ME.. bUt its nT*~
Monday, September 15, 2003
falling sick again.. having sore throat and cough.. hm.. tink gng to have fever soon... yeAupz.. thanks to my sis lar.. hah~ pray dat i will be alright.. cos promos coming le.. well.. feeling v.upset now.. cos someone's nick is "i dunno whether i have the patience to wait". wait wad. i noe u got someone u like.. wait loh. wait till s'pore snow bah. give u my blessings. thinking thRu the whole wk. its just silly me waiting for the 'no hope' thing to happen. Thinking dat miracles might happen but i noe.. actual fact is dat.. it nv will. i noe it. It nv will happen. Cos its just hopeless lar. Den all i can treat him is like a friend bAh.. a normal IRC fRiend.. like wad Wt tells me. hUr. sO ironic.. read so many stOries abT guy-ger can noe one another better online. wEll.. in real life.. it nv will. i really dunno wad to say lar.. bUt for the last time.. to dAT spEcial bOy. I Love U.
Sunday, September 14, 2003
yEAUpz.. thE weAther is cool todAy.. rAining in dE aftErnoon.. so its cool~ hEhs.. wATched the repeat telecast of SINGAPORE HITS AWARDS. hahh~ still think that Van Fan is so shuai?! hah~ White hOrse Prince~ hEhs~.. kkz.. bEtteR dun drool man~ wahaha.. did maths today~ yEaupz.. clEared some dOuBts bAh.. haiz.. wEd is the maths Mock exam liaoz.. realised i haven did any revision and some more.. wEd got pHy test.. of cos i will study for my phy rIte?! hah~ cos PHy teSt is counted in the overall results ma... haha~ bEing realistc~ haiz.. dunnO how to survive Wed man~ Eeks~ pHy Sucks~ haah~ tMl will bE gng bAck to scH~ gng to see those bunch of ederts in my class.. haiz.. basically i have nutting to comment on my class guys lar.. just got 4 words for dEm.. TO HELL WITH U! rElax.. but well.. thAnkIEw so much to dEm to let us gers realise that we are actually transparent to them. YEAH. JUST 7 pieces of GLASSES in 03S16. Well.. as for the other 3 gers.. huRhur.. tHeir all tiMe fAve chio bus lar.. 19-7=12. JUst to conclude that 03S16 have only 12 pple k. hURmps. 'Love' my class so mUch.. bEing able to be in this class is so 'lucky' mAn. wAd shit. Just a bunch of assholes, ederts, bastards.. etc.. all the fReaking woRds i can think of. Gees.
hEhs.. come back to seek help for pHy.. haha~ tHAnks wEnting... hah~ think i can employ him to be my private phy, chem and maths tutor liaoz lar... hahah~ nonsense.. haiz.. feeling down.. cos haiz... of some stuff lar... dUn feel like talking to him anymore.. cos feeling quite sick of it le.. haiz.. wTh rite.. some kind of loser here~
Saturday, September 13, 2003
hEhs.. wEnt to wAtch TUrn Left tUrn rIgHt today.. with JocELyNe, Kit mUn, Siyi, Jeremy and Wenting... hAha.. was practically fReezing inside.. cos i fOrgot to bRing my jacket.. haiz.. tHe sHow is nt bad lar.. bUt its not really realistic loh? And i think in real life.. it can nv happen bAh.. hAHaz...wad nonsEnse.. Suppose to wAtch the 1225pm show.. haha.. but i woke up at 1130pm.. hEh... overslept.. so in the end.. we watched the 1440hrs oNe.. hAhz.. pAisehs..
School Re-opening le.. kiNda sIan.. hAiz.. but wad can i do yeAh?? WHy this yeAR like past so fast one.. like i just took my Os last yr mAn.. hmm.. LifE Goes on....
~*Life is filled WiTh mIrAcLes.. 2 paRaLle LinEs mIght MEet one dAy*~
School Re-opening le.. kiNda sIan.. hAiz.. but wad can i do yeAh?? WHy this yeAR like past so fast one.. like i just took my Os last yr mAn.. hmm.. LifE Goes on....
~*Life is filled WiTh mIrAcLes.. 2 paRaLle LinEs mIght MEet one dAy*~
Was tRying to do past yr paper fOr pHy.. think its ok... thAnks WEizhEn.. thAnks wENting foR heLping.. esp wEntiNG.. hah~ w/o uRe hElp.. den i wld not make it for a lot of tests le~ tHAnks k? well.. think arh.. if the paper is the same standard.. i will pass.. hah~ serious.. but paper set by Mr Yong.. so can go die liaoz..
i dunno wad happen.. bUt.. i am sUper depRessed nOw?? Maybe cos eVEryone around me are so dEprEssed? YEAh.. i dunnO why too.. and i miss someone.. bUt tRying nt to think so mUch of dAt sOmeone.. haiz.. wElll.. soMetiMes.. whEn its time to let go.. u have to let go rIte? BUt.. soMehow.. i cant let go? haiz.. sTupid mE..
i dunno wad happen.. bUt.. i am sUper depRessed nOw?? Maybe cos eVEryone around me are so dEprEssed? YEAh.. i dunnO why too.. and i miss someone.. bUt tRying nt to think so mUch of dAt sOmeone.. haiz.. wElll.. soMetiMes.. whEn its time to let go.. u have to let go rIte? BUt.. soMehow.. i cant let go? haiz.. sTupid mE..
Friday, September 12, 2003

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
hEhs.. today is Sept 11.. 2yrs anniversary for 911 incident baH. May tHEre be wOrld peAce.
YEaUpz.. basically i went to sch to waste my time.. did nutting cos half of the class decided to pon sch.. yar.. so dAts all lar.. haiz.. miss him.. wadEver... yEs..
~* a min of slience for those who died 2 yrs ago.*~
YEaUpz.. basically i went to sch to waste my time.. did nutting cos half of the class decided to pon sch.. yar.. so dAts all lar.. haiz.. miss him.. wadEver... yEs..
~* a min of slience for those who died 2 yrs ago.*~
Thursday, September 11, 2003
*yAwn*.. so sLeePy.. hEhs.. did soMe worK today lar.. did chem.. so long since i touched chem?! haiz~ laziness.. tml i shall do maths.. and pHy too~ haiz.. tmL got gp lect.. 2-4pm.. haiz~ madness.. in b/w of my tv time~ gEes.. not in the mood to tok bah.. think he too.. slow in replying.. haiz.. pms.. pms.. pms.. wad had got into me.
today got band prac.. hehs.. finally played PERSIS.. hmm. think its quite ok lar... since i got prac it.. its nice.. remember sec3 dat time was so crazy over it.. esp the oboe solo? hah! dAmn nice! all thanks to jade lar.. hah!!!! She's the 1st one to go so crazy over it.. den influence me~ hahah! Oppss.. hope she dun read this.. or else she is gng to kill me~ *bleahz*
Was talking to Regina.. haha.. She's so xing fu.. blahz... she's giving me advices lar.. for dat thing lar.. hahah~ thanks k.. heh.. talking crap the whole time.. bleahz.. but.. was really helpful lar.. hehEhss
~* We ARe thE beStest fRieNds.. till this hAppEns............*~
today got band prac.. hehs.. finally played PERSIS.. hmm. think its quite ok lar... since i got prac it.. its nice.. remember sec3 dat time was so crazy over it.. esp the oboe solo? hah! dAmn nice! all thanks to jade lar.. hah!!!! She's the 1st one to go so crazy over it.. den influence me~ hahah! Oppss.. hope she dun read this.. or else she is gng to kill me~ *bleahz*
Was talking to Regina.. haha.. She's so xing fu.. blahz... she's giving me advices lar.. for dat thing lar.. hahah~ thanks k.. heh.. talking crap the whole time.. bleahz.. but.. was really helpful lar.. hehEhss
~* We ARe thE beStest fRieNds.. till this hAppEns............*~
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
ayE.. basically nutting happens today bAh.. just dat i cut my hair.. haha.. think its quite short.. and i dun like it..=( well have to wait for my hair to gRow longer den go and cut bah.. hehes.. den i dye my hair.. hah~ cos got lotsa white hair.. so dye it brown black bah? i think.... sld be brown lar.. dunno why turn out to be black?! hah! nonsense.. shall not buy this brand~ ahaha~
finished my Pw draft finally!!! *yAy* hah~ after 4 days.. finally done with it.. hehs.. cos for the past few days.. being distracted by lotsa things.. den cannot finish bah.. haiz.. such accomplishment man~ haha! madness.
tRied to do so work today.. dunno how to do maths.. phy too. chem no nitto say.. haiz... organic chem sucks big time man! dun understand it.. and how to name it~ haiz.. wth... still have to go sch tml.. for band.. haiz.. so sian.. dun feel like gng man~ haizz.................
~* Life is fRuitfuL if U mAke the fuLLesT oUt of it. Have U?*~
finished my Pw draft finally!!! *yAy* hah~ after 4 days.. finally done with it.. hehs.. cos for the past few days.. being distracted by lotsa things.. den cannot finish bah.. haiz.. such accomplishment man~ haha! madness.
tRied to do so work today.. dunno how to do maths.. phy too. chem no nitto say.. haiz... organic chem sucks big time man! dun understand it.. and how to name it~ haiz.. wth... still have to go sch tml.. for band.. haiz.. so sian.. dun feel like gng man~ haizz.................
~* Life is fRuitfuL if U mAke the fuLLesT oUt of it. Have U?*~
Monday, September 08, 2003
FeeLing kinda confused now... cos oF him.. sld i give up now? OR sld i tHink aFter promos?! haiz.. think i BettEr dun think so much of him now? bUt cant help it lar.. everything i do relates to him one lohs... cant help thinking of him.. haiz.. eVEryone says i slD think properLy.. hmm.. yar.. i realise i am not in the right state of mind recently.. maybe Its just me lar.. i am the one with the problem now?! BUt he wun noe lar.. he still happily crapping away when i am in sucha depressed mood. haiz.. Life sucks.. and so does LOVE. ANd woRst still.. i dun even think its worth it.. i mean.. YAR. he does not worth it.. and he is torturing the hell outta me. dAmn. 1st guy to make me feel dat he is more impt den anything else. woAh~ noT bad.. aLriGHts.. i am feeling so stupid. sUcha dUmb pERsOn.. maYbe he will luff at me if he noes dat i like him.. luffing at me for being so stuPid. i dunno.. but think he will be feeling v.paiseh? haiz.. cos sucha stupid girl is feeling attracted to him.. not chio.. not ger enuff.. blah blah.. and i am so fat.. haiz.. wTh. i Noe lar.. he wun like me.. think as a friend he also will feel dat i am sucha irritating ger. I dun eVEn think its a crush anymore.. its something amazing call LOVE. hahaha.. waddeheLL. mayBe lar.. bUT.. whEn u like dat person too much.. i also dunno wad will happen lar~ haiyohs..
JUsT nOw.. my friends and i met a flasher outside jj.. haha.. duMb.. he was playing with his DAT THING. u nOe.. haha! dEn we ran off screaming.. think he also scared my us liaoz~ hahah! So dUmb. weARing red Tee and jeans..~ haha.. so sick lohs~ cant stand this kinda pple.. yucks! my gOd.
~* |ifE with U cAn Be fuLL filled.. bUT waD is it like to be whEn thEre is nO mOre U in my |ifE?*~
JUsT nOw.. my friends and i met a flasher outside jj.. haha.. duMb.. he was playing with his DAT THING. u nOe.. haha! dEn we ran off screaming.. think he also scared my us liaoz~ hahah! So dUmb. weARing red Tee and jeans..~ haha.. so sick lohs~ cant stand this kinda pple.. yucks! my gOd.
~* |ifE with U cAn Be fuLL filled.. bUT waD is it like to be whEn thEre is nO mOre U in my |ifE?*~
Sunday, September 07, 2003
hmm.. did nutting for the past few days.. wAtch tV.. irc-ing~ *yAy* talking to him.. bLAhz blAHz.. yar~ Just wAtch Singapore HITs AwArds.. not bad lar.. but dunno why Channel 8 went to cut off some parts.. so stupid.. cut off so many things~ dammit. Jay din come.. but he got 3 awards.. on par with David Tao~ haha.. JAY RAWKS! hehs.. going gaga over him~ hEe. ANd VAn fAn is so shuai can? mY god. Bai mA wAng zi~ hAHa.. cool lohs~ waha! hE can sing man! wOooo.. mY gOd my god!!!!! haha.. okok.. reLax... haha.. SHE came too.. bUt eLla is not here~ haha... pity.. hEh.. HE like Selina.. hmm.. think all the guys same taste one? haha.. yar.. feeling tinge of jealousy.. but.. yeah.. i also like jay wad.. hahaha!
Jaslyn mSg me.. telling me dat HE broke up with his ex recently.. hmm.. i tot emily told me he no gf one.. blahz.. haiz.. waddehell.. spoil my day.. haiz.. i also dunno lar.. dunno is it gd or bad.. JAs told me to forget abt him.. but i did try u noe.. but he is jus dere in my mind.. haiz.. so shit man.. dunno wad happen also... I waN to tell him how i feel le.. but.. i just cant do it? cos i noe.. i will not be able to face the consequences.
Ok.. something big happen in band yesterday.. but shall not blog here.. cos of privacy involved.. but was feeling quite angry.. cos i am the middle-woman for this whole bloody thing.. so shit.. was so anGRy. SO SO SO ANGRY! tRying to kip cAlm during the whole thing.. and the SHITTY PERSON haf to interfere.. sorry.. but i am v. angry at the tot of it. *bish* shall not talk abt it anymore.. cos.. i think its gonna be ok.. yar.. sld be ok one..
yAR.. thInk dAts fOr all bAh.. conclude the 2 days event.. and most imptly... i noe.. its time to give up on him.. yar.. i dunno lar.. But.. think its time... ok.. i nit time to heal my wound.. and i noe it will hurt a lot.. bUt... its for my own gd rite? shall treat him as a v.gd friend bAh.. i hope i can do it.. bUT.. wad if it fail? I need time.. i hope it works...
~* well.. when things dun go the wAy u wan.. choose other alternatives.. fOR thIngs might tUrn out bettEr*~
Jaslyn mSg me.. telling me dat HE broke up with his ex recently.. hmm.. i tot emily told me he no gf one.. blahz.. haiz.. waddehell.. spoil my day.. haiz.. i also dunno lar.. dunno is it gd or bad.. JAs told me to forget abt him.. but i did try u noe.. but he is jus dere in my mind.. haiz.. so shit man.. dunno wad happen also... I waN to tell him how i feel le.. but.. i just cant do it? cos i noe.. i will not be able to face the consequences.
Ok.. something big happen in band yesterday.. but shall not blog here.. cos of privacy involved.. but was feeling quite angry.. cos i am the middle-woman for this whole bloody thing.. so shit.. was so anGRy. SO SO SO ANGRY! tRying to kip cAlm during the whole thing.. and the SHITTY PERSON haf to interfere.. sorry.. but i am v. angry at the tot of it. *bish* shall not talk abt it anymore.. cos.. i think its gonna be ok.. yar.. sld be ok one..
yAR.. thInk dAts fOr all bAh.. conclude the 2 days event.. and most imptly... i noe.. its time to give up on him.. yar.. i dunno lar.. But.. think its time... ok.. i nit time to heal my wound.. and i noe it will hurt a lot.. bUt... its for my own gd rite? shall treat him as a v.gd friend bAh.. i hope i can do it.. bUT.. wad if it fail? I need time.. i hope it works...
~* well.. when things dun go the wAy u wan.. choose other alternatives.. fOR thIngs might tUrn out bettEr*~
Friday, September 05, 2003
hEe... weNt to wAtch HOMERUN today.. quite nice lar.. not dat bad.. The sch sponser one lar.. haha.. so rushed down after GP.. heHe.. thInk its not as nice as i tot it wld be lar.. but JOSHUA is so dAmn shuai! hEe.. kkz.. he is a lil boy.. shall not go gaga over him... dAmn sian lar~ got maths lect tmL at 730am.. haiz.. so eaRly.. 1st daY of hOls also dun allow me to slp a bit longer... haiz.. hOls must work hard le.. cannot slack like now.. mInd rules oVer eVeRything~
ayE.. i sms him this morning.. and got to noE dat he is still sick~ haha.. still coughing a bit.. like me.. hahhaa.. wAdEveR... yar.. bUt.. yeah lohs.. he is still sick.. so poor thing.. haha.. yeah.. dEn my fRiend saW his pic.. and she wEnt cRazy over him lar.. haha.. sAying he is cute.. hEh.. yar.. he is.. but he look v.weird in the pic lar.. haha... nvm lar.. but real person is cute k! hahaha.. wadEvEr! mad case here.. too tired.. hAHa.. *yAwn*
ayE.. i sms him this morning.. and got to noE dat he is still sick~ haha.. still coughing a bit.. like me.. hahhaa.. wAdEveR... yar.. bUt.. yeah lohs.. he is still sick.. so poor thing.. haha.. yeah.. dEn my fRiend saW his pic.. and she wEnt cRazy over him lar.. haha.. sAying he is cute.. hEh.. yar.. he is.. but he look v.weird in the pic lar.. haha... nvm lar.. but real person is cute k! hahaha.. wadEvEr! mad case here.. too tired.. hAHa.. *yAwn*
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
hEe.. toDay just had phy test on MCQ.. its quite ok lar.. did Tys.. memorising the ans.. HAHA.. bUt hEy! i nOe My stUff One oK! hAha.. AyE.. hAve to resort to this kinda methods.. hAHa.. bUt i have to pass it k.. wTh.. or else Yong will pick on me again.. hAha..
Rites.. yesterday i was studying pHy... was online too.. dEn.. saw his nick.. and i noe he is sick.. having fever.. so poor thing? Like his mAths preLims is today.. den sick.. hoPe he do well man.. So sad.. den i was in no mood to study my thermal properties le.. hAiz.. totally not worth man.. heng heng i can pass today's test.. or else....
haha.. LAyNe told me lame jokes yesterday.. well.. and it lightens up my day.. hmm.. still worried for him.. WORRIED.. was thinking abt him.. bLAh.. i am mad k.. dun bother abt me.. haHa
Rites.. yesterday i was studying pHy... was online too.. dEn.. saw his nick.. and i noe he is sick.. having fever.. so poor thing? Like his mAths preLims is today.. den sick.. hoPe he do well man.. So sad.. den i was in no mood to study my thermal properties le.. hAiz.. totally not worth man.. heng heng i can pass today's test.. or else....
haha.. LAyNe told me lame jokes yesterday.. well.. and it lightens up my day.. hmm.. still worried for him.. WORRIED.. was thinking abt him.. bLAh.. i am mad k.. dun bother abt me.. haHa
Monday, September 01, 2003
hAha.. feeLing v.tired toDay.. all bcos of the stupid GP oral presentation lohs.. Shumin came to my hse to finish up the power point.. blAhz.. finish at round 5.. but we were talking crApz lar.. hAHa... FeeLing VeRy VEry VERy hAppy?! hAHa.. cos he errr.. msg me?! hahaha.. telling me dat his monitor has no colour. haha... Yesterday night already no colour.. today also no color.. haha.. so poor thing?! Sick.. den monitor went siao.. hAha... *heart pain* but wad can i do? hee.. bUt.. i am flying lar.. hahha... Aye.. u wun understand one lar.. oR maybe u will... hahaha...
~* FoR dERe is sOmethIng dAts caLL lOVe.. it maTure one's mind*~
~* FoR dERe is sOmethIng dAts caLL lOVe.. it maTure one's mind*~
hEhs.. happiLy did GP oral presentation thingy the whole day? being facing the bLoody comp the whole day too?! my gOd. think i will go bLind sOMe day. but the things are not proper done up yet.. haiz.. sIan.. lotsa things coming up liaoz.. how arhs.. so shit lohs..
Feeling happier today? cos i am finally talking to him after 10 days... hahA.. and he is sick.. told me he is sneezing and tearing the whole day? hAha.. so poor thing.. hmm.. *heArtpAin* but wad can i do rites.. hAha.. bUt he is watching some tV show.. so.. urm.. yar.. talk 3 min.. den he's gone.. haiz.. he and his tV.. he and his "zhong yi da ge da" he and his running nose.. he and his.. bLah bLAh..
Bought Sun Yan Zi's new aLbum today.. think its quite worth.. got 2 CDs and 1 VCD.. hee.. this is her last alBum b4 she take a 1yr break.. hmm.. dUn realLy like her.. but some of her songs really touch my heart.. so.. decided to buy it? hEe...
~* thE dAys w/o U is the Worst daYs of mY Life...*~
Feeling happier today? cos i am finally talking to him after 10 days... hahA.. and he is sick.. told me he is sneezing and tearing the whole day? hAha.. so poor thing.. hmm.. *heArtpAin* but wad can i do rites.. hAha.. bUt he is watching some tV show.. so.. urm.. yar.. talk 3 min.. den he's gone.. haiz.. he and his tV.. he and his "zhong yi da ge da" he and his running nose.. he and his.. bLah bLAh..
Bought Sun Yan Zi's new aLbum today.. think its quite worth.. got 2 CDs and 1 VCD.. hee.. this is her last alBum b4 she take a 1yr break.. hmm.. dUn realLy like her.. but some of her songs really touch my heart.. so.. decided to buy it? hEe...
~* thE dAys w/o U is the Worst daYs of mY Life...*~